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Re[2]: [BNW] Experiences?

Dear Nuke!

On Thursday, April 05, 2001, 3:15:45 PM, you wrote:

> All of us (yep....myself and lovely wife alternate as Guide) are Primers.   
> For various (character creation) reasons, we were chosen to be the main staff 
> at a new Prime facility in Chattnooga TN.

This seems to be the main difficulty starting out. Given the high
"realism" the game offers, there is a problem to provide a believable
starting point for a campaign.

Defiants or unregistered would be either very reluctant to give their
secrets away or be plain stupid. Even if you want to help, would you
don a cape and do good - and just invite delta prime to come around
sniffing for that delta they just heard of?

Are there any good examples for starting defiance campaigns? And don't
point to the power shield. IMO that call from Truth is just a form of
clutches (sorry, Shane ;-) - the adventure in itself is very fine).

The only axis i seem to able to think of is to have an "agent". Some
experienced Defiant (Delta or not) who actually monitors new Deltas
and tries to recruit them for his cause. The problem: how is he ever
going to be more successful in sniffing the heroes out, than Delta
Prime itself?

Any suggestions?

For Love and Liberty,

Arne Reuter

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