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[BNW] More power package variants

Thrower (Gunner-based):
The Thrower does with knives and shuriken what the Gunner does with guns.
Throwing - the thrower adds +5 to throwing rolls
Fast - the thrower adds +5 to init. and quickdraw rolls (quickdraw for
knife only)

Side: Personally I think throwing should be speed based, I just don't
picture the thrower being a big hulking brute. But that's each Guide's

Throwers have access to all Gunner tricks.
Staple- with an extra success on a throwing roll the thrower can pin a
limb to a solid object (wall, tree, lamp-post). This effectively makes the
limb useless until the target can make a str. roll against the amount of
damage done. If there is no object to pin the limb to then two extra
successes are needed, this simply makes the limp useless until the blade
is removed. This trick can not be used on hits to the head, hits to the
torso give the target a +5 to the str. roll to break free.

Pyrokinetic (Hot Shot variant): 
Pyrokinetics are similar to Hot Shots, but instead of breathing fire they
are able to simply generate fire out of thin air. This either appears as a
thin stream of fire shooting out of the pyro (head, hands, chest,
whatever) or simply as fire appearing somewhere within range (see tricks).

Create Fire - the pyro can shoot a stream of fire Dmg. 5d6+5, rof 3 (it's
either a stream or three balls of fire) range 5. Note: pyros do NOT do
massive damage.

Side - I picture the Create Fire power being more a mental "thing" then a
straight shooting roll. So I was thinking about making a spirit based
skill called pyrokinesis that is used for creating and "shooting" fire.
Rolls to dodge would be made vs. this spirit roll. Thoughts?

Fireproof - as Hot Shot

Hot to the Touch - when actively using their powers the air around a pyro
rises about ten degrees. This is enough to obviously noticeable, but not
enough to do any damage (it'll make peole break out in a sweat though).
This extends out to about 2 inches (4 yds.)
Their skin actually rises in temp by about 10 degrees too.

Same as Hot Shot
Indirect Fire - with an extra success on the roll to create fire the pyro
can make the fire simply "appear" anywhere in range (normal penalties for
range increments apply). This has the advantage of not making the pyro the
obvious source of an attack, of course people close enough will notice the
rise in air temperature.

Detonator (Bomber variant) :
The detonator can charge objects with kinetic energy and then throw or
drop them. Actually I was looking around and saw that The Encaffinated One
did a pretty good write up for this, but it was Blaster based, not Bomber
based. This may be more appropriate as the bomber's tricks/powers make no
sense for someone who isn't blowing themselves up.

Finally a brand new PP I've been working on:

Mimic (not The Mimic totem) (inspirations - Grunge from Gen13, Husk from

Copy material
Mimics have the ability to convert the outer-layer of their skin into any
material they touch. The Mimic simply touches a signficant amount of the
maerial (a few pounds, no carrying around a small diamond to copy) and
makes a fair(5) spirit roll. If the roll is successful then the Mimic
takes on the appearance and, more importantly, the durability of the
material. Treat all areas of the delta as having armor equal to the
material (see BNW mainbook for some guidelines). In essence the outer
layer of the delta's skin is converted into the material. This mimicing
can last for upto 1 hour, at which point (or whenever the mimic chooses)
the outer layer of skin crumbles to powder, as humans have hundreds of
layers of skin this has no detrimental effects on the delta (other than
giving him that freshly-exfoliated look). This also occurs if a hit
location takes enough wounds to "ruin the armor". Mimics cannot copy
liquids or gases as these would simply sluff off immediately. He can't
copy complex/multilayered materials, bricks are okay, but he couldn't copy
a kevlar vest (as they have multiple layers of different types of

Increased Damage: When a mimic copies a material his skin effectively
becomes harder and thus he gains a bonus to bare-handed damage. Generally
harder materials like metal and stone give +3 to damage, softer materials
like wood or plastic give +1. This only lasts as long as the attacking
limb is covered with the material.

Example: The Wall is jumped by a bunch of punks and gets thrown up against
a brick wall. With an evil grin he places his hand on the wall and makes a
spirit roll getting a 9. His skin turns red with white lines (he looks
like he's made of bricks), his body is covered with 10/2 armor, and he
gets a +3 to damage from his punches.
The gangers whip out AP 5 pistols (woah!) and start firing. A few rounds
pass, The Wall took a hit to the right arm that did three wounds after
armor. He took two and his brick-skin took one. Then he took another two
wounds to the same arm. He takes one and the armor takes one. That's 2,
which is the armor's durability so the brick-skin on his right arm
crumbles to dust. He now has no armor there and, as he is right handed,
so he can't do the +3 to damage unless he takes the off-hand penalty and
uses his other arm. This continues until he can get to the wall and make
another spirit roll (if he were to fail he would lose armor everywhere).

Additional effects: As the mimic can copy almost anything there are a lot
of additional effects that could result. A mimic could copy some asbestos
to give him 10/2 armor vs. fire attacks, for example. These are left up to
the Guide, but creativity should be rewarded. These effects can be
negative as well. If a Mimic copies wood (maybe he's in a forest and
that's all he could find), then he would become more vulnerable to fire.

Obvious -3: whenever the Mimic is using his powers  it is obvious. Even
if he copies something like clear plastic or lucite his skin still has an
odd and noticable sheen to it.


Partial Mimic: with a raise on the spirit roll to mimic a material the
mimic can limit how much of his body mimics it. So he could touch a metal
door and only have his armor covered in metal (for the damage bonus and
maybe to use as a shield). At any rate the mimic can never copy more than
one material at a time. He can have as much or little of his body covered
as he wants if he activates this trick.

Shaped Mimic: with a raise the mimic can alter the shape of any part of
his body that mimics a material. Basically he can do things like add
spikes, claws, etc. Note: this only adds to his outerlayer, so he can't
make his arm shorter, or really longer. He could extend his fingers some,
but he wouldn't have any tactile sense beyond his normal finger length.
The extensions can go no more than 6 inches beyond the limits of his
normal body. Claws/spikes add +2 damage above all other bonues to barehand
They also look darn impressive!

Thoughts? Originally this was a tough variant, but as I built it the
powers really expanded beyond the scope of a tough. Now I basically see
him as a tough/goliath/scrapper alternative.

Well that's if for now. Let me know what you guys think. Incidently if
anyone thinks enough of these to post them on their website I (and my ego) 
would appreciate it. I am currently web-pageless due to work shutting down
the private web-page server. Although in their defense I don't think we
were really supposed to have private webpages there to begin with.

 Theo McGuckin -
	"Powerful like a gorilla, yet soft and yielding like a nerf ball"