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Re: [BNW] Point-Build system

Ok, I'm fairly a newbie to BNW  (in that, while I've read/own most of 
the books, I've never played nor run it -- yet), so take that as a 

>   Why a point based system, you ask?  Simple: why must *every* Blaster be
>the same?  Why should *every* flier be identical?  Beyond Tricks, there is no
>real difference between one Delta and another, if they share the same Power
>Package.  But ... what if you could have two blasters, one of whom needed
>time to "charge up" their slow-ROF (Rate Of Fire) blast but could do
>tremendous damage with it ... and another, a fast, low-power, ultra-high-ROF
>blaster, who would never more than "plink" a target, but could fire a LOT of
>times in a round?

I suppose my inexperience with this system will show, but....

Why can't you do that now?  Who says they are all the same?  I'm not 
quite sure rules are needed to enforce this--these could be special 
effects or Tricks as you'd like.  Want a supercharged blast?  How 
about a Trick that you do max damage if you spend a certain amount of 
time in concentration charging?  Doesn't quite fit with the way 
Tricks work now, I suppose, but an easy enough leap to make.

For your plinker, you have a variety of ways you can define it:
1.  Flavour Text
2.  Roll damage and then roll once to hit per each plink (that would 
be annoying for me)
3. A special kind of Trick:  Speed attack, min dam
4.  A Quirk

Heck, a Quirk can be used on any power.  When I get a chance to run 
it, I'll probably require that everyone have some kind of Quirk to 
their powers, of varying degrees.  The same with different types of 
Tricks and Flavor text.

Of course, if you prefer a point system, more power to you. ;)


The White Crow
FUDGE Deryni and the Penn Ar Mor Ars Magica Saga:
"Xander, don't use Latin in front of the books."