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[BNW] Alpha Tricks and delta advancement

A lot of people (well some anyway) have been talking about how you can't
really increase delta's powers. So I thought up this:

Alpha Tricks:
Many more experienced deltas have learned to use their powers to much
greater effect. At times even rivaling the powers of alphas. However this
is rare and accounts of deltas using such powers consistently are
practically unheardof (those that can are prime targets for triumph, evil
unlimited, DP and just about every other organization on the planet).

Any delta can purchase an alpha trick for his power package. I'll leave it
up to you to make up your own, but these tricks are significantly more
difficult to use than normal. Some examples:

Tough- "Not a scratch" this trick allows the delta to completely ignore
the damage from any one wound if he gets a raise on the related stun
check. He can even survive point blank explosions and high powered AP tank

Blaster- "mega-blast" with two extra raises on a shooting roll the delta
can add 20 pts. to his damage.


The tricks cost the normal amount (10 pts.) to learn, but here is the
difficult part. In order to use the trick the delta has to spend some of
his delta points.
The first 10 times the trick is used it costs the delta 3 delta points.
The second 10 times, 2 delta points. From then on it costs the delta one

It was just a thought as a way to slowly increase the power level of your
campaign (until crossroads comes out), and you can, of course tailor the
power of the tricks to whatever you wish...

-Theo McGuckin, operations
"We waste more electrons by 6am then most labs make all day. Be all you
can be!"