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Re: [BNW] Delta Death Cults

In a message dated 4/30/00 6:42:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
kilfoilm@nbnet.nb.ca writes:

>  >      Often, these groups seem to be led by Charmers who are nothing more
>   >than con artists, or regs preying upon their weaker-minded or desperate
>   >brethren.  On occasion, Defiant spies have noticed that the leader 
>   >to be a Bargainer, and that the pledges *do* appear to change, often
>   >transforming into hideously warped creatures whose twisted appearance
>   >suggests some sort of daemon.

Out-of-character note:

This could be extended, as well, to the concept of some of the "lesser" 
(read: less-widely-known) religions, *legitimately* rather than as a "bad 
cult" experience.  That sort would be rarer ... but ...

Also there is the sort of concept one might associate with voudounistas / 
santeria / houngan / etc (my limited understanding being only *slightly* free 
of hollywood-esque nonsense WRT those faiths).

An interesting extension of the presence of Delta powers.  Nice work!  =o)

-- Pax --

Ever Defiant !