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Re: [BNW] Go-go-gadget.....

Steve Crow wrote:


> "JFK's" Changeling-Alpha power versus a Delta-level snuff field, the Snuffer
> rules, etc.

Ahem...I've seen this mentioned a few times.  "Snuff" fields don't seem
to have a power rating in BNW; they either work or they don't.  And,
according to the descriptions of the prisons, a snuff field can hold in
an Alpha - otherwise, all those Alphas they "parole" would just escape
on their own.

Matt Forbeck mentioned, when asked about this and what JFK did during
the Vanishing bomb explosion, that he had his protections.  In all odds,
when he's in the White House the field (if on at the time) the field
works on him, unless he has something else going for him.  *That* would
make an interesting mission for the Defiants - sneak a camera into the
White House to record what JFK looks like snuffed, then get it back

wearing his BNW shirt today :)

Sean Michael Whipkey - "I drink a lot of [beer]. Let me be socially 
responsible for a moment: If you are under 21, or driving, or both, then
 you should wait to drink until you turn 21 and/or park the car. And 
you'll want to stay away from Zima regardless." - ack@rpg.net