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Re: [BNW] Go-go-gadget.....

>From: Steve Crow <crow_steve@hotmail.com>
> > >"They are also set up in a perimiter around the Whitehouse, keeping  
> > >Jack nice and safe."
> > >hmmm, thats bound to raise a few questions
> > >'sir why dont we set up fields IN the whitehouse?'
> >
> > "Because a circular line is more cost-efficient than a dome, and no 
> > can get through the perimeter nullification line in the first place.
>Err...surely that leaves a hole in the top, since your field will be
>doughnut shaped.

Did that post get through?  Odd, I thought I deleted that line because the 
BNW makes it clear it is a "field", not a line (or a dome, which woudl still 
presumably be more power-efficient than a half-sphere)?  So the whole 
perimeter thing, and reference therein, was not relevant.

Apologies for the confusion.  I think I provided adequate other reasons for 
why the issue in question wasn't relevant which involved***


"JFK's" Changeling-Alpha power versus a Delta-level snuff field, the Snuffer 
rules, etc.

>     Malcolm.
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