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Re: [BNW] white House Snuffer Fields

For your comments: I am knee-jerk on the Meta-plot thing.

I always thought Vampire sucked for mentioning things in a way that was 
obviously 'important' and providing no supporting information.

Torg- never played it.

Deadlands-- house ruled huxsters after a single session cause they were 
broke so badly. I was able to adjust the mechanics in a way consistent with 
HOW they got their powers. (cheating manitou at cards...) which allowed me 
to CONSISTENTLY adjust any huxsters provided in supplements. If I didn't 
understand HOW huxsters were powered, I could easily have made a decision 
which would have led to a complete inability to run any future dime novels 
or supplements due to my 'fixes' failure to address this. Say, I thought 
huxsters were using 'symbolic formulas' to power their spells because I ONLY 
got the mechanic portion of them using a card hand to cast spells, and not 
the fact that it was a contest with a manitou.

I won't ever play a game that is not supported. One book and out, and I 
won't even buy it. This game was obviously going to be well supported with 
supplements. However, I find myself stuck with making house rules that could 
negate any future support besides my own little mind. In effect CREATING a 
one shot and out, no support game.

Why can Gadgeteers only maintain one gadget per day? No #$%$##ing clue. 
cause the rules say so. I think it's a cheap game balance point. And I have 
house-ruled it out. I will maintain game balance, by deciding what I allow 
my gadgeteers to maintain. However, it JUST might have to do with the 
METAPLOT and how deltas are powered. And if so, I just shot my support in 
the head.

It is ABUNDANTLY obvious that ALL delta powers have a 'unified' source. Else 
how could ONE device supress ALL superhuman abilities? Well, gee. I don't 
$%&%($#ing know. IT JUST WORKS THAT WAY. No explanation given.

In short not KNOWING the base source of delta power increases the incidence 
of error for me in deciding how to house-rule GAME MECHANICS because I have 
no clue as to their underlying principle. AND I $%##$ing well KNOW there is 
an underlying principle that they just aren't sharing with me.

Now, I wouldn't be this vehement if I didn't like the game/mechanics/world. 
I paid bucks (comparatively) for what is an INCOMPLETE item. and a 
purposefully incomplete item. They PLANNED to leave out such basic 
information and will "release it" as it becomes pertinant to the 'metaplot'.
And yes that torks me off. The reason, I personally, buy "commercial" gaming 
products is because I expect to get support for my future gaming. (yes I 
expect to pay for it) I don't expect to have to wing it after the basic 
books, or do major altering to any supplement because I am forced to guess a 
basic game concept. Like I said, I just won't buy a game like that. 
Unfortunately, I got "Pearl Harbored" on this one. And I love the game 
enough to where I am attempting to stick it out. SO, instead of saying 
"boo-hoo" make a house rule and deal with the Meta-plot torpedos... WHY 

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