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Re: [BNW] white House Snuffer Fields

> But keep in mind that basically, a PC Gadgeteer is intended to have one
> Gadget active at a time.  Okay, so he's got an anti-snuff suit.  He wears
> and...what?  His ability to create an anti-snuff suit is now impeded.  Or
> can loan it out to one of his fellow Defiants (or whatever) and he
> does...what?

although he can only have one gadget at a time, it can do more than one
thing. powersuits that shoot-fly and have armour for example. now I imagine
that this persons gadgetteer pc wants to add and antisnuff feild to his
powersuit, preventing himself + mates from beinging caught by such
devices/deltas or inorder to sneak into a gaurded compound.

> >AND SINCE I have NO #$)#$(@)ing clue as to how/why the suppression field
> >works. AND no #)$(#)(ing clue as to the 'source' of delta powers. I am
> >hanging in the wind, and making a ruling in absence of information from
> >"META-PLOT" which could torpedo my future use of any product put out.
> *yawn* And again, so what?  Why do you need to know _how_ Delta powers
> to figure if you can suppress them.  Run suppression fields whatever works

I agree he could just add an anti-supresion field you can make rule.or say
that nope you cant do it without x y and z... but wait a sec didnt we just
by a osource book on that exect topic?? why yes I remeber handing over some
cash for it. I have an idea insterad of spending lots of time making up a
rule whjy dont we just look up what the author has to say on the matter.....
hmm mok ... yes....right...... nope look like im going to have to make up a
new rule about this.. I suppose that inorder to make sure that my new rule
works and is balenced I should runa few hours of playtesting with a large
and repersentavive gfroup of roleplayers. *sigh* if only this had been
prepared for me.. ho hum

> 1) Vampire.  In the first year, there was a mention of werewolves as
> opponent.  No specific rules were provided for them, and basically the
> guidelines for NPCS that were provided...well, sucked

umm yeah? but that game is about playing vampires not werewolves.

> 2) Torg.  In the original sourcebook there was a brief blurb on Orrorsh,
> Realm of Horror.  Basically, you got some vague background, a couple of
> Victorian character templates, and some average horror "monsters."  It
> them a _year_ to get out an actual Orrorsh sourcebook

yeah so? whats your point? did the source book have detailed material in it?
are you saying that becasue it was late that means that it ok for all
roleplaying games to release late or vague supplements?

> Rules, background info, source material, etc., evolve, change, and adapt
> any RPG.

yes? so? whats that got to do with the price of fish?

> I think I asked Mr. Davis earlier and never heard his response
> (although a couple of others weighed in), but how specifically does
> ignorance of the true "source" of delta powers impact his campaign?
> we've been told what the "problem" is, but not _why_ it is a problem.

it wasnt the source of the delta powers thats the problem, the fact that it
isnt clearly stated what event causes people to become deltas in this case
near death experences was an example of the vagune and generaly undetailed
background. the critisim that I and others are voicing is not that we arnt
told enough about some wierd metaplot its that there is not a lot of detail
in the source books

I feel that we have made this point abundantly clear. I dont want to go on
about it becuase I can see that sooner or later someone is going to say 'if
you hate it so much then just look on it as a bad buy and dont get any more'
1: I dont hate it that much, its just a critism of the game 2: the idea
about discusing things like this on a newsgroup or mailing list is to try
and work through possible solutions to these problems. not just say well X Y
and Z did this so it must be ok or Just make something up cant you?

I say let you gadgeeter make a one use anti nulifer field handgrenade type
device that lasts for a couple of miniutes, enough to break in or escape
from somthing but not enough to make them permanatly immune to the effects
of nulifiers

Obvioulsy the main problem with these defvices is if yuou have a snuffer in
your party. in which case you will want to assume that DP can get its hands
on similar devices. make them realy expenisve so that its reasonable that a
DP force wouldnt be issued them unless absolutly nessasary
