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Re: [BNW] Go-go-gadget.....

>Q1: what is the avliblity of power nulifing devices to DP teams

According to Ravaged Planet, IIRC, the devices are large, bulky and suck up 
a LOT of power. They are in use at the Fortress, the Delta Prison in the 
lake where Chi-town was. They are stong enough to dampen the powers of an 
Alpha. They are also set up in a perimiter around the Whitehouse, keeping 
King Jack nice and safe. And in Defiants there are Deltas introduced that 
can temporarlly remove your powers, for a short time, called Snuffers.

>Q2: what is the portablity of said devices

Nill, as far as we've been told.

>Q3: if you are put in a cell for a normal crime ie. they dont know you are 
>delta whats the chance its going to be super power proof

If it's not the Fortress, its going to be a normal cell. But once you've 
blasted your way out, they just add being unregistered to your rap sheet, 
and then DP is after you as well. When you're caught again, it's off to the 
fortress with you.

>Q4: can you overcome or overload these fields with concentated use of 
>or multiple successes?

According to the book, once you're inside the area of the field, your powers 
are effectivly gone. You can't get them to do anything. And however they're 
made is a closely guarded secret. Probbably only kept in the White House or 
the Fortress and no where else. In a secure, sealed system computer or 
someone's head.

>PS. answers like make it up yourself? or its part of the meta plot are not
>accpetable!!! :)

How was that? :>

GAry m, minor epot
   aka "Sneezy the Squid" · www.geocities.com/sneezythesquid
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