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Re: [BNW] Go-go-gadget.....

> There is an Alpha gadgeteer out there, cranking these bad boys out?
> Or . . . even better . . . there was an Alpha gadgeteer out there who
> cranked out a lot of these suits.
> But since he's gone now, the Armorgeddeon suits are a limited resource.

I think between all these possibilities:
There is an alpha gadgeteer that doesn't need to maintain as much
There WAS an alpha gadgeteer
The government has used money and resources to ifnd a way around the
maintainence problem.
The government uses gadgeteers combined with geniuses to get around the
maintainence problem

There is enough plausiblity that the armegeddon suits are possible. I
still wonder why they get the +5 str. and the gadgeteers only get the +3

-Theo McGuckin, operations
"We waste more electrons by 6am then most labs make all day. Be all you
can be!"