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Re: [BNW] Brave New World in the bargain bin

> > > Theron Houston wrote:
> > > If I were a game publisher, I'd
> > > be terrified of the
> > > phrase "if you don't like it, don't use it",
> > > because that rapidly becomes
> > > "if you don't like it, don't buy our future
> > > products".
> > >
> > Steve Crow wrote:
> > Yeah, that comment made earlier frightened me too,
> > but I didn't bother
> > responding to it.  Note that it wasn't Matt making
> > it, though, but someone
> > not associated with BNW or AEG.
>Steve, since you are acting as the demigod of
>knowledge as far as BNW rule and interpretations go,
>could you please explain the very last section of
>Defiants to me?

Sorry, you feel that way.  In fact, I don't think I've interpreted or 
otherwise commented on very many rules at all.  I've usually tried to stay 
out of such discussions, although when someone has said anything that 
contradicts the printed rules, I have noted it as such.

Plus, the statement in question has nothing to do with BNW rules...

With that all in mind:

>I had no problem when Matt said on the list that if
>you didn't like the rules, play a different game.

Did Matt say that?  I was quoting the gentleman from Daedalus.

>Publishing this opinion is a different matter.  Now I
>know you can quibble (which you like to do) that he
>only says try using a different system for character
>generation, but then you'd also need to use a
>different system to run the game.  Now explain to me
>how this is different from the quote (which Matt never
>actually said) "if you don't like it, don't use it".

I think in my review of the Defiance SB a couple of months ago that I _did_ 
say it was not a wise comment to make.  But...

Matt is basically selling you source material and a stroy.  The rules are a 
requirement, but one that he notes in either RP or Defiants that was 
something to get out of the way and advance onwards with the plot

Matt does not, and has not ever said "If you don't like my story, don't use 
it."  Clearly, his story is part and parcel of what he and (now) AEG are 
selling you.  That _is_ what he wants you to use.  I can't speak for him 
directly, but it sure seems like that's what he considers BNW's main selling 
point.  In fact, he considers the story important enough that he's telling 
you to use it even if you have to use a competitor's game system to tell it!

Will this possibly harm BNW?  In a way, yes.  But it also assures that the 
chances of him telling "his" story increase.

Basically, Mr. Forbeck is taking a fairly radical approach to RPGs.  In many 
senses, it's an experiment.  Now if you don't like it...well, you don't like 
it.  But the various complaints I'm seeing seem to be a bit too diverse and 
unfocused to point to one specific thing and say, "That's a critical flaw in 
this experiment!"  Some folks are complaining there's too much detail, or 
too much detail will be provided.  Some want _less_ detail, or are afraid of 
what extra detail will do to their campaign.  Some don't like the nature of 
the power packages, or are afraid that "official" ones will contradict 
anything they develop.  Some want the mysteries explained in their entirety 
from the get-go.

Do I think BNW is a perfect product?  Hardly.  ;)  But if I see an arguement 
about one of the imperfections that is flawed, I'm going to make a note of 
it.  If that's "quibbling", so be it.  But if you have problems with part of 
the game and don't want to see them discussed ("quibbling" or otherwise), 
this list probably isn't the place to post them...

>-Munch Wolf


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

Check out my website at:  http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/4991/

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