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RE: [BNW] New game for me

> >What we do need is a suppliment explaining what the
> >heck is going on.  I'm sorry, the whole idea that the
> >powers "just are" and there's no reason for their
> >existance doesn't settle with me.  It makes it
> >difficult to design adventures.  Can I throw aliens
> >in?  What about the supernatural, or multiple
> >dimensions?  Will a later suppliment nix my campaign
> >choices?  I know it's my game and I can do whatever I
> >choose, but saying that is akin to saying, don't buy
> >this product, it's a piece of crap.  It really turns
> >me off from wanting to run the game.
> >-Munch "Really trying to give BNW a chance" Wolf
>Yes, this is what is missing. I don't want all the answers (yes I do) but
>what is out of the story. Aliens, devine powers. Why do all covent have the
>same powers, whats up with the bargainers (what are the Hucksters?!) I 
>care if they are but what can and can not be. have the Genuuess come up 

*shrug* For what it's worth, that is the BNW (and to some degree the 
Pinnacle) "style" of campaign setting.  White Wolf (kinda) did it, Shane 
Hensley kinda brought it over from his Torg days (where Torg had a similar 
concept), and currently it exists in the Deadlands trilogy.

Basically, it's a story, and you don't have all the details yet.  Stephen 
King or Dean Koontz don't tell you everything that's going on and answer 
every question in the first five chapters of their books.  Nor does Matt 
with BNW...


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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