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Re: [BNW] New game for me

My Shooter tried a fight with my Goliath. He shoot and shoot, doing one or two
wounds, and then my Goliath smashed his head. My Shooter than changed character.

I mean, the game is very unbalanced even with a single power (think only at a
Goliath and a Goliath/Bargainer that can switch off his negative quirks...).
Instead of making more pawer packages that already made heroes can't buy,
Pinnacle/AEG have to make many more tricks.

Ewan wrote:

> > One major thing we are doing different is that the players (and some NPCs)
> > are going to have 2 power packages. I made a few groupings to keep really
> > outrageous power combos from happening (of course it can still be abused
> as
> > can anything) also to help keep it near lower power levels you get the
> > highest of two similar powers Like armor 20/- and 5/- would get armor 20/-
> > not 25/-. End result is that they don't relay on guns as much, and are
> more
> > versatile. We want to try to do some real shaking up of the setting (the
> > PC's are going to have major impact on the story.)
> WHOA there nelly 2 power packages? hmm sounds a bit dodgy to me,. of course
> you are allowed to do what the hell you like with your game, but remeber
> that power packages are weak for a reason and that is that deltas are meant
> to be weak. you have to be carefull with allowing your players to become too
> powerfull, just look at DC heros where even the weakest PC can take some
> flaws and become a do everything and anything thing of death.
> Also I think you might find that one of your combination pakages turns out
> to be by far the best choice, meaning that all players play the same type of
> charcter.
> there is plenty of opertunity for the PC's to be powerfull with thier
> skills. no one is going to mess with a martial arts 5 character in a hurry
> Ewan
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