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Re: [BNW] population statistics

From: William Davis <williamjdavis@hotmail.com>

> No, I know it. Very personally. There are some people who know when to
> and say enough. Even when it's "not their problem". So please don't turn
> this personal like that.
> 3) Martial law is just that. Military Law. Which Jack controls as CiC.
> not if impeached, which is what congress would do if he threatened their
> power) However, even military law has limits. I personally have refused an
> unlawful order and turned a weapon on the person giving it. Military is
> synonymous with 'slave conformist'. I was sacrificing my freedom and
> possibly my life so that others may be free. And it is remarkable how
> of injustice that makes one.

    I don't know what army you serve (served?) with, I assume the US, but
the cruxs here is that it was an illegal order. You knew that, persumably
the person giving it knew it as well, and I assume that right was on your
side and you didn't have to go to jail. But what if a person is brought up
in a world with more extreme circumances then ours piled up on top of the
real world's. The law and what is percieved as right could well make actions
which are seen by ourselves as illegal and immoral seem reasonable use of
force considering the circumstances.
    That scence from "The Seige" where the gunship destroys a garage because
some gunfire comes from it.
    In the real world, both illegal and immoral. The Army was not under
sufficent threat from the suspects to warrent that kind of action, they
could have contained the situation, they effectivily murder the five poeple
in the building.
    In BNW;
Major - "Senator, having identified five known Deltas in the building and
coming under heavy fire from the terrorists, the situation escalled to the
point where it could no longer be contianed. Fearing for the lives of both
the men under my command and the those of the residents of the area, I had
no choice but to order the Gunship under my command to carry out a percision
strike on the building."
Senator - "Very well Major, after reviewing all the evidence pressented
today I'm going to call this unfortnate incident to a close. Both you and
the pilot are cleared of all wrong doing."

> 4) I never said it was a benevolent police state. I was saying that Big
> is maintaining the fiction that it was still a "democracy" in order to
> the people quiet. "Don't wake the sleeping giant" never refered to our
> government. It refered to our people. The American people have a great
> and a willingness to sacrifice and a towering rage when aroused. And that
> what Jack is avoiding.

    People are people, no matter what country they come from, but I do agree
that a show of freedom is required for the President to maintain control,
because otherwise you'd end up with the general population up in arms, and
your Army and Law Enforcement agencies aren't going to be very keen to go
and stamp them out. In fact, you'd probably find units and Special Agents
running off and joining the rebels. Or arresting you for your illegal
actions, and that rather puts a crimp on your plans to rule the world,
doesn't it? All the political authority in the world doesn't do you much
good if the Secret Service turn you over to the Feds and they put you in the
slammer. Still, maybe the next President will give a pardon, wouldn't that
be nice!
