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Re: [BNW] population statistics

Hmm you would like to think that, <ewan>

No, I know it. Very personally. There are some people who know when to stand 
and say enough. Even when it's "not their problem". So please don't turn 
this personal like that.

1) BNW history posits Big Jack using a tragedy in one city to declare 
martial law over the whole country.
     A) A declaration of "state of emergency" or Martial law, can only be 
made by the President at the express request of the area affect. Regardless 
of the threat in Chicago (hey, it was eliminated, along with most of the 
really threatening deltas, Primes), do you really think, say Texas, is going 
to say "Daddy gov'mt come protect us"? Any state's politicians going to 
voluntarily give up power to the central gov'ment unless there is a very 
definitive reason why they can't govern? Come on these guys are Career 
Politicians, they don't scare easily, or panic, or crumple under pressure. 
Esp. not ALL of them. This simply cannot be a "normal" occurrence. It is a 
statistical impossibility. That is happened begs an explanation. The books 
just gloss this as "of course they did". They must not know many 
politicians. I'm not saying it the history is wrong. Just that the 
explanation is grossly inadequate.
2) Big Jack then used Martial Law to somehow "replace the gov'ment with his 
hand picked cronies". And block the power of congress.  These are serious 
hard-ball politicians. Nobody is going to say they are push overs. Yet 
that's what Jack did. Stripped these men of all their political power, like 
candy from a baby. And they could easily have impeached him. He'd have to 
take down over 1/3 before they knew it was coming. Wow, that's another 
statistical impossibility.

3) Martial law is just that. Military Law. Which Jack controls as CiC. (but 
not if impeached, which is what congress would do if he threatened their 
power) However, even military law has limits. I personally have refused an 
unlawful order and turned a weapon on the person giving it. Military is not 
synonymous with 'slave conformist'. I was sacrificing my freedom and 
possibly my life so that others may be free. And it is remarkable how aware 
of injustice that makes one.

4) I never said it was a benevolent police state. I was saying that Big Jack 
is maintaining the fiction that it was still a "democracy" in order to keep 
the people quiet. "Don't wake the sleeping giant" never refered to our 
government. It refered to our people. The American people have a great drive 
and a willingness to sacrifice and a towering rage when aroused. And that is 
what Jack is avoiding.

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