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Re: [BNW] population statistics

> >  10: the internet.
> >          Well, I think that deltatimes.com is a moving address (sorry
> don;t
> > know computer speak) and DPers shut it down when ever they can, but it
> keeps
> > popping up.  As for the internet being more free, I think that it is more
> of
> > a point of view.  By this I mean that it seems that way only because it is
> > the most free form of communication left as it is very hard to police plus
> it
> > is to useful to be destroyed.
> well you dont get moving addresses that way on the internet, it seems odd
> that DP hasnt registered www.deltatimes.com and any other similar addresses
> for thier own properganda use and web sites in other countries could be
> taken off US router tables, so you would have to dial out to another country
> to connect to them. All in all DP dosn't seem very computer literate. I was
> thiking the best way to comunicate over the internet in the wayt they
> describ would be to encode your newspaper/article/secret message into a
> picture, up load it to a normal site, maybey an auction site, you could send
> a picture of what you wanted to sell, the only people with the decryption
> code and the web address www.ebay.com/auction/gameboy/janet/item1234.jpg for
> example would be able to get the message. This would also seem innocent to
> any DP's monitoring web traffic or looking at your internet cache
Actually, you _can_ get a roaming IP addy for a domain and reister it when
it changes.  You can also manuallly change the IP addy and the lookup, it
just takes a while to propagate.  I would say that the domain registering
service probably changed hands to a non-U.S. Company, or there was some
kind of ruling that made it impossible to usurp the domain name that had
been registered.... that's the only weakness (other than tracing the IP