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Re: [BNW] population statistics

>  3: what is the response time of DP? if the PC's do a bank job or start
> blasting away in public how long before DP/police turns up, how much
> do they bring (comic has attack helo and tank!), how many will be Deltas

>         It matters where you are .  Some cities like Washington have a
> response time in seconds or low minutes, while small cities may take
> minutes.   As for what is in the group; well high level groups will be
> Dreadnoughts and Deltas, while other groups are likly to be armed normals
> with maybe a dreadnought or delta.

thanks for your views, its a pity there isnt more background supplied in the
main book about this sort of thing. I know the first thing my PCs will want
to do is blow people away with thier powers and its important to know how
well defended cities are from bunches of rogue PCs tooled up and maxed out
for trouble. I can easliy see them taking on 2 or 3 times thier number of
law enforcement types without even thinking about the possiblity of loosing
the fight

4:>          They keep very close tab on you.   Anyone can check and see if
> are a Delta (online) and if you up and disappear then they come looking
> you.  Also, in most cases once you are registered you are given a job and
> don't have much choice in it.

hmm now that i think of it I do remeber the book mentioning case workers? I
suppose you have to check in with somone every so often, like parole.

>  5: how dose the general population react to non offensive use of delta
> powers? there are pictures of delta flying around and stuff in book, does
> public run screaming, open up with a trusty .44 call the police, stand
> staring, ignore what is a common thing in crecent city?

>           In crecent city if you are registered and working in a proper
> then people may look at you funny and you may have problems with
> but nothing major.  If you start a delta battle on the street then most
> people will duck and cover (and is some states start shooting back).

I think this question is tied up with the number of deltas about. in your
game you obviously have a significant amount of the population as deltas. I
was thinking of a more X-men 'normal people hate mutants' type scenario with
maybe 1 in 1000 people being a delta. and using delta powers in public would
get you shouted abuse at, thrown stones etc

>  6: cars seem to be almost indestructable!!!!

>       Well first off I use vehicles as background and they get blown up
> it seems like a good idea.   As for Blasters they ignore the armor of a
> vehicle.  And don;t forget that the size of a vehicle makes it easier to
> so the blaster can get off more tricks.

I had forgoten about the size but not the armour. even with the extra +5 to
hit they arnt going to do much damage to a size 10 15 wound vehicle, which
seems odd. now sure in most cases it isnt going to come up, cars will be
jusr scenery to be crushed as nessasry, but what if the DP's do turn up in
an armoured car or helo, or even a squad car! you would think that a couple
of grenades or a RPG would make short work of them. I cant imagine what they
were thinking when they gave vechiles so many wounds.

>  9: How much effort does DP go to in hunting down deltas? are there road
> blocks and stop and search points at state boundaries?
>           Well how much trouble are you in.   First off don't forget that
> US is under military law and they can ask to check your papers at anytime.
> If you have done something bad (blow up a building or kill someone
> (ie any DPer)) then yes they will look for you fairly hard.

well hang on here a sec, what papers are they going to ask for? I mean now
that you mention it yes its obvious that some sort of compulsory ID system
would have to be inforce in a dictatorship america as described, but thier
is no mention of it in the background. I can just imagine my PC's 'no sorry
officer I dont have a driving licence or any other form of difficult to
forge ID. wont my blockbusters video club card do??'  I guess I will have to
make it clear that the kennedy state rigorously inforces a compulsory ID
card scheme in which everyone is registered in at birth and that you can be
arrested for not carrying your card at all times. hmm mabey you could have a
bar code tatooed on your hand or somthing.. yeah that sounds good

>  10: the internet.

>          Well, I think that deltatimes.com is a moving address (sorry
> know computer speak) and DPers shut it down when ever they can, but it
> popping up.  As for the internet being more free, I think that it is more
> a point of view.  By this I mean that it seems that way only because it is
> the most free form of communication left as it is very hard to police plus
> is to useful to be destroyed.

well you dont get moving addresses that way on the internet, it seems odd
that DP hasnt registered www.deltatimes.com and any other similar addresses
for thier own properganda use and web sites in other countries could be
taken off US router tables, so you would have to dial out to another country
to connect to them. All in all DP dosn't seem very computer literate. I was
thiking the best way to comunicate over the internet in the wayt they
describ would be to encode your newspaper/article/secret message into a
picture, up load it to a normal site, maybey an auction site, you could send
a picture of what you wanted to sell, the only people with the decryption
code and the web address www.ebay.com/auction/gameboy/janet/item1234.jpg for
example would be able to get the message. This would also seem innocent to
any DP's monitoring web traffic or looking at your internet cache

>  11: the defiants, I suppose I should buy the book, but what the hell are
> they fighting for and how do they go about it? gorrila tactics in the
> random bombing? assination of known government sympathisers?

>         Well, the general idea is to try and awaken the public to that
> that there is a Dictator running things and trying to get the people to
> realise what they have lost.

yeah but what do they do about it? the first thing my PC's said was, 'why
dont we just kill kenedy?, all we need is a low yield nuke in washington'
dont laugh yet though! with the gagetter power package it isnt
inconciveable, after all there is an example in the book of the alpha
destroying bomb that devestator uses and surely that is harder to make than
a tactical nuke. Also devestator had superior to worry about!

>Also, most defiants are interesting in finding
> out what is going on behind the scenes, thou this differes by campaign.

this sounds more promising, they should have put a list of 'evil things the
government is doing' in the book
