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Re: [BNW] the size of Goliaths

> Hey do any of you folks play with Goliaths?  I was looking at their 
> disadvantage of being Ugly and the level of uglyness that they recieve 
> states that they are "obvious, but easily concealed" - or something else 
> like that.
> My question is, how does something as blatantly obvious as the Goliath have 
> an uglyness factor that is easily concealed?  Their obviousness seems to me, 
> to be more of the 5 - point variety since their seems to be very little to 
> do to hide their massive bulk - short of walking around in an industrial 
> refrigerator box all day or something similar.

I think you're dealing with two separate quirks maybe: Obvious and Ugly.

The Goliath is Ugly, which is a -2 quirk. This means that with makeup and
a hat he can pass for non-hideous. He's still 8 feet tall, as wide as a
car and more bulgy than Schwartnezagger's and Stalone's love-child. But he
is not OBVIOUSLY UGLY anymore (as Schwartnezagger's and Stalone's
lovechild would).
He can cover up his ugliness, not his obviousness.

At least, that's the way I remember it (not having my book handy)

-Theo McGuckin, operations
"We waste more electrons by 6am then most labs make all day. Be all you
can be!"