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Re: [BNW] Sorcerer Package

Mark Craddock wrote:
> Ok, so I'm working on the Probability Manipulation thing and 
> I'm struck with how much I like the Bargainer, it captures the 
> feel of the Golden and Silver Age Mystical characters and I 
> start thinking about how Cool Dr. Strange has always been.

Cool!  I think that Bargainer are keen, but they will likely 
make better Guide plot devices than player characters, just
because a) their powers are wide ranging, and b) they 
(supposedly) deal with daemons...

> Power:
> Sixth Sense (Ablilty to roll Smarts[TN 5] to detect and communicate 
>  with Astral beings[Astral Travelers, Ghosts, Demons, etc.])

Would this allow a Sorcerer to see or speak to a daemon trapped
in a Bargainer's Totem?

> Astral Projection (Occult roll vs TN 5 to enter the Astral Realm)

I could see cool stuff with a Sorcerer *entering* a Totem to
speak to the Daemon...

> Mystic Bolt  (Spirit+3 Stun Damage;  Occult is used to "hit" the 
>  Target /TN 5)

Actually, why not make Occult the Damage and Spirit the to-hit 
roll..  In other words, the more they know, the more damage they
can do, and the more in tune they are, the more accurate they 

> Levitation (Flight at Pace 15)

I've been shy of using this with another package, just because it
is the only thing a Flyer can do (with the little bit of Armour,
of course)...

But if I'm going to include Levitation, I would make it no faster
than a person could move on land, i.e. no greater than 10/11. 
(Speed stat + 5)..  Actually, a good measure of it would be
Spirit + 5 as a Levitating Pace...

> Tricks:
> Mystic Barrier (Each success on a Mystic Bolt or Dodge roll 
>  adds +3 to TN to be hit for that round)

This could also be treated as armour:  each raise on a successful
Spirit+Occult roll buys you either a) +5 armour or b) +1 rounds
of use, with a minimum of one in each.  E.g. A success would
give you the minimum 5 armour for 1 round; two successes could
be either 10 armour for 1 round, or 5 armour for 2 rounds...  This
would have to be decided at casting time..

> Object Reading (Each success rolled on a Spirit roll [TN 10] lets 
>  you ask the guide one question about someone who ownde the object 
>  in the past)

Cool.  I would probably want a new Meditation skill and a roll of
Spirit+Meditation for that...  Or you could use Spirit+Search...

> Mystical Resonance (Each success on a Smarts roll [TN 12] forces 
>  the Guide to give you a clue about something you will face in 
>  this game session

Another use of Meditation, perhaps?  Or would this be 
Spirit+Perception or Spirit+Tactics?

Opinionated as ever, aren't I? ;)

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