Firetop Mountain Record for T


vs. Abacab 1/ 0/ 0

Battle B448, 11 turns. Tizzy (T) survived and Barnabas (Abacab) forfeited

vs. Con 1/ 2/ 0

Battle B9, 16 turns. Dhyn (Con) won and Typhus (T) surrendered
Battle B31, 4 turns. Typhus (T) won and Dhyn (Con) surrendered
Battle B50, 18 turns. Dhyn (Con) won and Typhus (T) died


Battle B10, 42 turns. Dasupous (Usagi) won, Hel (Larry_g) died, FatherMicke (Gedasm) died, Trice (T) surrendered, Raty (Rath) forfeited and Kibiras (Korvinas) forfeited
Battle B12, 30 turns. Charmander (Peanuthead) won, Hack (Larry_g) died, Kuniklo (Usagi) surrendered, Totem (T) surrendered and Mage (Rath) forfeited
Battle B90, 26 turns. Vilnor (Thrawn) survived, Ti (T) forfeited, Plutonium (Pierre) surrendered and Funghi (Ulrich) surrendered
Battle B98, 36 turns. Rabbit (Usagi) died, Gadgeto (Pierre) surrendered and Transmute (T) surrendered