Firetop Mountain Record for Gedasm
Battle B4910, 38 turns.
BZick (Gedasm) died and Darksong (1autarkus) died
vs. Con
Battle B290, 39 turns.
BigBZ (Gedasm) won and Tigraine (Con) surrendered
Battle B328, 42 turns.
Tigraine (Con) won and BigBZ (Gedasm) died
Battle B3070, 41 turns.
BZ (Gedasm) won and Trillion (Diamond) died
Battle B2682, 18 turns.
BZ (Gedasm) won and Akeley (Dogdaysunrise) surrendered
Battle B466, 8 turns.
Minas (Gedasm) won and Heidra (Emerioles) surrendered
Battle B1310, 36 turns.
Mickus (Gedasm) won and Zap (Frederic) surrendered
Battle B1407, 34 turns.
Zap (Frederic) won and Mickus (Gedasm) died
Battle B1490, 23 turns.
Zap (Frederic) won and Mickus (Gedasm) surrendered
Battle B1622, 27 turns.
Mickus (Gedasm) won and Zap (Frederic) surrendered
Battle B1722, 24 turns.
Zap (Frederic) won and Mickus (Gedasm) surrendered
Battle B2109, 26 turns.
Gobo (Frederic) won and BZ (Gedasm) surrendered
Battle B2822, 21 turns.
Gobo (Frederic) won and BZ (Gedasm) surrendered
vs. Fx
Battle B5106, 39T turns.
BZ (Gedasm) won and Plug (Fx) surrendered
Battle B5238, 35 turns.
Plug (Fx) won and BZ (Gedasm) surrendered
vs. Gorby
Battle B2113, 15 turns.
Heor (Gorby) survived and Mickus (Gedasm) forfeited
Battle B5103, 23 turns.
Heor (Gorby) survived and BZa (Gedasm) forfeited
vs. Jeff
Battle B2173, 8 turns.
Kaos (Jeff) survived and BZ (Gedasm) forfeited
Battle B3, 30 turns.
Lillith (Karacan) survived and Dominykas (Gedasm) forfeited
Battle B1278, 15 turns.
Mickus (Gedasm) won and Dolb (Kieran) died
Battle B77, 25 turns.
BigBZ (Gedasm) won and Wolfkin (Larry_g) surrendered
Battle B116, 29 turns.
Wolfkin (Larry_g) won and BigBZ (Gedasm) surrendered
Battle B151, 28 turns.
BigBZ (Gedasm) won and Wolfkin (Larry_g) surrendered
Battle B180, 27 turns.
Dominykas (Gedasm) won and Wolfkin (Larry_g) surrendered
Battle B226, 65 turns.
Wolfkin (Larry_g) won and Dominykas (Gedasm) died
Battle B320, 19 turns.
Wolfkin (Larry_g) won and Gaba (Gedasm) surrendered
Battle B413, 42 turns.
Tristram (Larry_g) won and Gaba (Gedasm) surrendered
Battle B3249, 41 turns.
Nienor (Luthien) won and BZ (Gedasm) died
Battle B3406, 10 turns.
BZ (Gedasm) survived and Nienor (Luthien) forfeited
Battle B2732, 43 turns.
BZ (Gedasm) won and Zohar (Marcus) surrendered
Battle B2685, 22 turns.
BZ (Gedasm) won and WildEyedWarlock (Nightlord) surrendered
vs. Nom
Battle B134, 16 turns.
Dominykas (Gedasm) won and Zenom (Nom) surrendered
Battle B549, 21 turns.
Nom (Nom) survived and Minas (Gedasm) forfeited
Battle B2134, 21 turns.
Qonom (Nom) won and Gediminas (Gedasm) died
Battle B100, 19 turns.
Dominykas (Gedasm) won and Rabskatran (Pierre) surrendered
vs. Pj
Battle B2114, 15 turns.
Gediminas (Gedasm) won and Aaman (Pj) surrendered
Battle B107, 40 turns.
Suka (Sauliusg) won and QuickBZ (Gedasm) surrendered
Battle B156, 34 turns.
Suka (Sauliusg) won and QuickBZ (Gedasm) died
Battle B4752, 22 turns.
BZ (Gedasm) won and Sauliusg (Sauliusg) surrendered
Battle B5359, 15 turns.
Plug (Theking) won and BZ (Gedasm) surrendered
Battle B5498, 5 turns.
Scanner (Theking) survived and BZ (Gedasm) forfeited
Battle B623, 18 turns.
Oldmicke (Gedasm) won and FireWill (Undutchable) died
vs. Usagi
Battle B985, 37 turns.
Shafan (Usagi) survived and Gaba (Gedasm) forfeited
vs. Vlad
Battle B2653, 9 turns.
BZ (Gedasm) won and BaronSengir (Vlad) surrendered
vs. Zan
Battle B754, 2 turns.
Frost (Zan) survived and TryMicke (Gedasm) forfeited
Battle B2, 28 turns.
Dusk (Ulrich) died, Potassium (Pierre) died, Chevre (Brice) died, Dazed (Psychosia) died, Svein (Sirrus) died, Oldmicke (Gedasm) surrendered, Moondark (Karacan) forfeited and Begonia (Altaira) forfeited
Battle B10, 42 turns.
Dasupous (Usagi) won, Hel (Larry_g) died, FatherMicke (Gedasm) died, Trice (T) surrendered, Raty (Rath) forfeited and Kibiras (Korvinas) forfeited
Battle B32, 42 turns.
Kolii (Ulrich) won, Jagar (Dormant) died, BearClaw (Larry_g) surrendered, Derfel (Owen) surrendered, Happybouc (Brice) surrendered, Mitskusas (Gedasm) died, Garak (Tbc3) forfeited and Slime (Rath) forfeited
Battle B626, 42 turns.
Meleebouc (Brice) won, Kolii (Ulrich) surrendered, Gadgeto (Pierre) surrendered, Morlock (Dormant) died, Vriezer (Undutchable) died and GMicke (Gedasm) forfeited
Battle B1192, 27 turns.
LeboucducapitaineHaddock (Brice) surrendered, LeProfesseurTournesol (Pierre) surrendered, Oldmicke (Gedasm) surrendered, Knyn (Usagi) surrendered, Mesaana (Mark) surrendered, Akur7 (Akur) died, Vildew (Tinman) died, CRMeleeWiz (Craigr) died and HippoGod (Rfk) died
Battle B1723, 66 turns.
Galafon (Pierre) won, Me_too (Madmike) died and Oldmicke (Gedasm) died
Battle B2069, 33 turns.
Kolmogorov (August) won, Arangar (Mark) died, Maestro (Gedasm) died, Durandal (Pierre) died, Fodder_One (Lurch) died, Kuniklo (Usagi) died, Nman (Pj) died, Rule (Calmon) died, Betha (Ulrich) died, Grimm (Larry_g) died, Mago (Thrawn) surrendered, DevNull (Sny) died, Dubouc2 (Brice) died, Angela (Clearwater) died, Melnom (Nom) surrendered, Artus (Frederic) surrendered and AlFarsud (Gorby) died
Battle B2864, 65 turns.
Mickus (Gedasm) won, Vienas (Pj) died, Bright (Diamond) died, Arangar (Mark) surrendered, Altren (Falgund) died, Toppie (Hrogers) surrendered, SereneInitiate (Xrayspecks) surrendered, Regis (Thrawn) died, SpaceBar (Sny) surrendered and DarthBlackBritches (Bubba) forfeited
Battle B3374, 24 turns.
Aman (Pj) won, Pintacle (Stealthy) died, Dragon (Larry_g) died, Igor (Falgund) died, Pear (Diamond) died, Moses (Turbo) died, Thox (Madmike) died, Troglodyte (Brice) died, Aginor (Mark) died, Sackerr (Sny) died, Angela (Clearwater) died, Asira (Darkfire) died, Grucho (Frederic) died, Biliktu (Sharkey) died, YES (Yuval) died, Samantha (Pierre) died, Sorrow (Ulrich) surrendered, ThinkBZ (Gedasm) died, Vannor (Gorby) died, CharlesDexterWard (Marcus) surrendered, Wyldmelee2 (Wyldstrike) surrendered, Mago (Thrawn) surrendered and GapToothedMage (Xrayspecks) surrendered
Battle B5266, 31 turns.
Mda (Grimreaper) surrendered, TheDevil (Gavin) surrendered, Mickus (Gedasm) died, Rince (Scram) died, Dru (Sny) died, Geltxo (Aizkolari) died and Zaxarus (Falgund) surrendered