This is a list of spells (plus Stab and Surrender), what they do, how long they last, and the series of gestures used to cast them. In the notation used for gesture series, upper case letters are used as abbreviations except when two simultaneous single-handed gestures are required. In those cases a lower case letter is used instead.
There are 4 different types of spell:
• Damaging
And also a group of Non Spells.
SHIELD (gesture P (standard/classic))
This spell protects the subject from all attacks from monsters (that
is, creatures created by a summoning spell), from missile spells, and
from stabs by wizards. The shield will block any number of such
attacks but lasts for only one round. The shield protects the subject
on the turn in which it is cast.
REMOVE ENCHANTMENT (gestures P D W P (standard/classic))
Terminates the effects of all Enchantment Spells that have been cast
on the subject including those that are cast on the subject at the
same time as the Remove Enchantment.
Effects which have already passed are not reversed. For example, the
victim of a Blindness spell would not be able to see what their
opponent's gestures were on the same turn that the Blindness is removed.
Note that all enchantments are removed and the caster may not pick
and choose. Remove Enchantment also destroys any monster upon which
it is cast, although the monster can attack in that turn.
Wizards suffer no adverse effects from this spell, aside from the
removal of their enchantments.
MAGIC MIRROR (gestures c w (standard/classic))
Spells cast on a subject protected by this spell are reflected back
upon the caster of that spell. When a spell is reflected the very
internals of the spell is also affected, so that not only do
the caster become the target, but the subject of the mirror
also assumes the role of caster of the reflected spell.
The Magic Mirror protects only during the turn in which it was cast
The protection includes spells like Magic Missile and Lightning Bolt
but does not include attacks by monsters or stabs from wizards.
In case of multiple mirrors in a melee, a Magic Mirror will not
reflect any spells originating from the wizard that the mirror
protects, because the magic of the spell then already will be present
inside the mirror.
The mirror is countered totally if either a Counter Spell or Dispel
Magic is cast on the subject in the same turn as the mirror. The
mirror has no effect on spells which affect more than one person
(such as Fire Storm). Two mirrors cast at one subject simultaneously
combine to form a single mirror.
COUNTER SPELL (gestures W P P or W W S (standard/classic))
Any other spell cast upon the subject in the same turn has no effect.
In the case of blanket spells, which affect more than one person, the
subject of the Counter Spell alone is protected. For example, a Fire
Storm spell could kill off a monster but not if a Counter Spell were
cast on the monster in the same turn. Everyone else would be affected
as usual by the Fire Storm unless they had their own protection.
The Counter Spell will cancel all the spells cast at the subject for
that turn (including Remove Enchantment and Magic Mirror) except
Dispel Magic and Finger Of Death. It will combine with another spell
of its own type for the same effect as if it were alone. The Counter
Spell will also act as a Shield for its Target.
DISPEL MAGIC (gestures c D P W (standard/classic))
This spell acts as a combination of Counter Spell and Remove
Enchantment, but its effects are universal rather than limited to the
subject of the spell. It will stop any spell cast in the same turn
from working (apart from another Dispel Magic spell which combines
with it for the same result), and will remove all enchantments from
all beings before they have effect. In addition, all monsters are
destroyed although they can attack that turn. Counter Spells and Magic
Mirrors have no effect. The spell will not work on stabs or
surrenders. As with a Counter Spell it also acts as a Shield for its
RAISE DEAD (gestures D W W F W c (standard/classic))
The subject of this spell might be any dead human or a dead monster.
When the spell is cast, the dead is brought back to life and all
damage is cured. All enchantments are also removed (as per the spell)
so any diseases or poisons will be neutralized and all other
enchantments removed. The subject will be able to act normally
immediately after the spell is cast. On the turn a monster is raised
it may attack, and if only one Raise Dead spell was cast at that
monster, the caster may TARGET the monster. (If more than one Raise
Dead was cast at a monster in the same turn, the monster will be
confused about who to obey, and so cannot be given a TARGET.) Wizards
may begin gesturing on the turn following their return from the dead.
This is the only spell which affects the dead. It therefore cannot
be stopped by a Counter Spell cast at the dead being. A Dispel Magic
spell will prevent its effect, since Dispel Magic affects all spells
no matter what their subject.
If the spell is cast on a live individual, the effect is that of a
cure light wounds recovering five points of damage, or as many as have
been sustained if less than five. Note that any diseases the live
subject might have are not cured. If the target is subject to both
Raise Dead and Finger of Death, the two spells will cancel each other.
CURE LIGHT WOUNDS (gestures D F W (standard/classic))
If the subject has received damage then he is cured by one point as
if that point had not been inflicted. Thus, for example, if a wizard
had five hit points left and was hit simultaneously by a Cure Light
Wounds and a Lightning Bolt he would finish that turn on one hit
point rather than zero (or six if there had been no Lightning
Bolt). The effect is not removed by a Dispel Magic or Remove
CURE HEAVY WOUNDS (gestures D F P W (standard/classic))
This spell is similar to Cure Light Wounds in effect but two points
of damage are cured. Note that only one point is cured if only one
point of damage has been sustained and the spell has no effect if
the subject is completely undamaged. This spell will also cure any
diseases the subject might have at the time.
SUMMON GOBLIN (gestures S F W (standard/classic))
This spell creates a goblin under the control of the target of the
spell (or the target's controller, if the target is a monster). The
goblin can attack immediately and its victim will be opponent of its
controller. It does one point of damage to its victim per turn and is
destroyed after one point of damage is inflicted upon it. The
summoning spell cannot be cast at an elemental, and if cast at
something which doesn't exist, the spell has no effect.
SUMMON OGRE (gestures P S F W (standard/classic))
This spell is the same as Summon Goblin but the ogre created inflicts
and is destroyed by two points of damage rather than one.
SUMMON TROLL (gestures F P S F W (standard/classic))
This spell is the same as Summon Goblin but the troll created inflicts
and is destroyed by three points of damage rather than one.
SUMMON GIANT (gestures W F P S F W (standard/classic))
This spell is the same as Summon Goblin but the giant created inflicts
and is destroyed by four points of damage rather than one.
SUMMON ICE ELEMENTAL (gestures c S W W S (standard/classic))
This spell creates an ice elemental. Casting this spell will cause an
elemental to be created, even if no target is specified. See below
for more details.
SUMMON FIRE ELEMENTAL (gestures c W S S W (standard) /
c S W P P (classic))
This spell creates a fire elemental. Casting this spell will cause an
elemental to be created, even if no target is specified.
The elemental will, for that turn and until destroyed, attack everyone
who is not resistant to its type (heat or cold), causing three points
of damage per turn. The elemental takes three points of damage to be
killed but may be destroyed by spells of the opposite type (e.g. Fire
Storm, Resist Cold or Fireball will kill an ice elemental), and will
also neutralize the cancelling spell. Elementals will not attack on
the turn they are destroyed by such a spell. An elemental will also
be engulfed and destroyed by a storm of its own type but, in such an
event, the storm is not neutralized although the elemental still does
not attack in that turn.
Two elementals of the opposite type will also destroy each other
before attacking, and two of the same type will join together to
form a single elemental of normal strength. Note that only wizards
or monsters resistant to the type of elemental, or who are casting
a spell which has the effect of a Shield do not get attacked by the
elemental. Casting a Fireball upon yourself when being attacked by
an ice elemental is no defence! (Cast it at the elemental...)
MAGIC MISSILE (gestures S D (standard/classic))
This spell creates a material object of hard substance which is
hurled towards the subject of the spell and causes him one point
of damage. The spell is thwarted by a Shield in addition to the
usual Counter Spell, Dispel Magic and Magic Mirror (the latter
causing it to hit whoever cast it instead).
FINGER OF DEATH (gestures P W P F S S S D (standard/classic))
Kills the subject stone dead. This spell is so powerful that it is
unaffected by a Counter Spell, although a Dispel Magic spell cast
upon the final gesture will stop it. The usual way to prevent being
harmed by this spell is to disrupt it during casting, using, for
example, an Anti Spell. If the target is subject to both Raise Dead
and Finger of Death, the two spells will cancel each other.
LIGHTNING BOLT (gestures D F F D D or W D D c (standard/classic))
The subject of this spell is hit by a bolt of lightning and sustains
five points of damage. Resistance to heat or cold is irrelevant.
There are two gesture combinations for the spell, but the shorter
one may be used only once per battle by any wizard. The longer one
may be used without restriction. A Shield spell offers no defence.
CAUSE LIGHT WOUNDS (gestures W F P (standard/classic))
The subject of this spell is inflicted with two points of damage.
Resistance to heat or cold offers no defence. A simultaneous Cure
Light Wounds will serve only to reduce the damage to 1 point. A Shield
has no effect.
CAUSE HEAVY WOUNDS (gestures W P F D (standard/classic))
This has the same effect as Cause Light Wounds but inflicts three
points of damage instead of two.
FIREBALL (gestures F S S D D (standard/classic))
The subject of this spell is hit by a ball of fire and sustains five
points of damage unless he is resistant to fire. If at the same time
an Ice Storm prevails, the subject of the Fireball is instead not
harmed by either spell, although the storm will affect others as
normal. If directed at an ice elemental, the fireball will destroy
it before it can attack. Fire Elementals are not affected by Fireballs.
FIRE STORM (gestures S W W c (standard/classic))
Everything not resistant to heat sustains 5 points of damage that
turn. The spell cancels wholly, causing no damage, with either an
Ice Storm or an ice elemental. It will destroy but not be destroyed
by a fire elemental. Two Fire Storms act as one.
ICE STORM (gestures W S S c (standard/classic))
Everything not resistant to cold sustains 5 points of damage that
turn. The spell cancels wholly, causing no damage, with either a
Fire Storm or a fire elemental, and will cancel locally with a
Fireball. It will destroy but not be destroyed by an ice elemental.
Two Ice Storms act as one.