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For those of you who have an interest in implementation of pbmserv modules...

My PBeM Server is implemented as a series of scripts/commands.

When mail is received by, it looks for the subject line to tell it what to do. If it is not an administrative command (signup, change password, list, etc.) it looks to see if it has a games of that type defined (currently trax and twixt). If so, it executes the command specified by the subject line.

The PBeM server script also sets a couple of environment variables that are inheritied by the game commands: INPUTFILE name of the file containing the message being processed LOGFILE name of a log file SENDER email address of the sender FROM Name of the sender (if known)

The pbmserv script itself is written in perl.

    	Subject: fetch.2

will retrieve the script.

It is up to the individual game implementations to keep track of whatever they need. However, Soren and I have implemented a series of C++ classes that will make implementation of additional pbmserv modules easy.

All PBeM stuff is located under the $PBMHOME directory

    		/etc		misc PBeM files
    		/bin		command executables
    		/history	history files
    		/ratings	ratings files
    		/standings	standings files (for tournaments)
    		/help		help files
    		/src		source code
    		/src.2		source code (for the 2nd generation pbmserv code)

All games *must* support a 'list' command to show what games are on-line (both current and recent past). 'show' and 'preview' commands are nice. 'standings' is also nice. 'challenge' allows two players to begin a game. Most of these commands are handled by the generic "Game" class. The important parts are

    	Init()			-- initialize the board
    	MakeMove()		-- validate the move, and apply it to the board
    	PrintBoard()	-- display the board
    	IsGameOver()	-- is the game over?  who won?
    	MustSkip()		-- can the current player make a move?
    	ForcedMove()	-- is the current move forced?  if so, what is it?

To get a sample implementation (Ataxx is a good example), send pbmserv a fetch.2 request...

    	Subject: fetch.2 game.h game.cpp board2d.h board2d.cpp ataxx.h ataxx.cpp

Known bugs in the current implementation include 1st move resignation not resulting in a board "cancellation", and simultaneous move forfeits are not necessary handled correctly.


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