Quick Installation Guide for eSquire 0.9.8INSTALLAdd the following entry (or one very much like it) to /etc/passwd
Add the following entry (or one very much like it) to /etc/group
Add the following entries to /etc/aliases
Extract the files to ~esquire Edit ~esquire/esquire.cf
fix Makefile to set ESQROOT to the proper directory
UPGRADEExtract the files somewhere (not ~esquire) Copy the src directory to ~esquire/src
NOTE: if you want ~esquire to be anywhere other than /home/esquire, edit the Makefile ESQROOT accordingly
Check esquire.cf for any upgrades. And add them to ~esquire/esquire.cf Common APACHE-isms
eSquire is a trademark of Gamerz.NET Enterprises. All other products mentioned are
registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.