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Re: [WW] Weird Wars & D20 Modern

richard spangle wrote:
> >richard spangle wrote:
> >I didn't realize that I wasn't supposed to enjoy the game or buy it if I
> >didn't know guns.  Apologies.
> ------------------------>
> i did not intend to and will not become involved in a battle of words with
> you sir. i was simply stating a fact of opinion from my limited gaming
> experience. i actually enjoy the comments from those, like yourself, who are
> not afraid to express your opinions directly, just please do no be so quick
> to jump to offense to anything other people type...

No worries, my words were mostly directed at someone else.  

The reality is that honest opinions are rarely welcome.  Most people
prefer dillusions, for it aids them in their daily grind of life (again,
not speaking at you).  My apologies anyway.
> >Not out yet then.  I'll be interested in some of the differences, though
> >I doubt I'll snag it unless its amazing.  I think Peginc did a great job
> >putting D20 into WW2.
> --------------------------------->
> i think most will find D2M quite interesting. the mechanics, i'm told, run
> as smooth as D&D, but just run in the 20th/21st century.  skills, feats and
> even currency use is quick and painless (a bit long winded so i'm told
> though).  check it out, i believe it's worth the 35 clams (i think) you
> shell out...

If I see it, I'll definately read through it.  I may even check out the
reviews that will be written.

> might suggest include classic DEADLANDS, Call of Cthulu (classic, though the
> d20 is good) and, if you can find it, an old game call DOMINATION by the
> late Starchilde Press...

I do plan on snagging Chaosium's Basic Role-Playing rules...  I've never
played Domination.
