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RE: [WW] Weird Wars Problems - Savage Worlds - D20 Modern

-----Original Message-----
 >I'm not at all interested in the Viet name WW, and hope I'm not
>to buy it so I can convert WW2 to SW.
Nope. From what I can tell there will be one main Savage World Rule
that will have all the rules and such.  Its non-Genre specific so you
be able to do all you converstion from WW D20 to savage world with that.


Just as an FYI, there are some stats on WWII vehicles and weapons that
will be appearing in the main rulebook -- as it *currently* stands -- so
conversion should be a fairly easy job.  That being said, I can't
comment on how easily you, personally, will be able to determine a one
of the Soviet tanks based on stats for a Sherman or Panzer.  Still, for
those interested in conversions, you will have some material to work

Just to make sure everyone is clear, however, the WWII setting for Weird
Wars is still going to be done in d20 and there are no plans that this
Savage Worlds playtester has heard of for ever *officially* converting
or moving to dual-stated books.

I hope this helps.

Matt DeForrest