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Re: [WW] New to this.

   Hello.  Sorry if this is a repeat, but I'm only a few days to this
    I know for Dungeons and Dragons there is class specific character
available.  Is there anything out like that for WW?  I'd just like to
so I don't waste a lot of time editing my D&D sheets.  My group is having
some problems with all of the different skills and cross classes.  (I
everything can't be like Deadlands sheets.)

-->No class specific sheets exist AFAIK.  Just the generic one in the
back of the BOTR book, and available for download on PEG's site.  I
believe Dirk's web site (I forget the URL, sorry), has a table with the
class and cross class skills.  There are also summaries available in the
Blaut-Auf-Der-Rhine's Yahoo groups page (including I think a skills
table, I'd have to check).


--->No problem.

-->Josh R

"No matter where you go, there you are."  B.Bonzai