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Re: [WW] Secret societies (cross posted)

From: <deaconblue3@juno.com>
>         I've also toyed with idea of an antedelluvian Atlantean or Thule
> colony existing somewhere, and having a race to find it.  Not sure what
> the benefit would be for either side, so I haven't done more than
> postulate about it.  It may prove to be more unbalancing than the
> potential benefits to game play.  have to think on it some more.

This was (I'm using past tense as my campaign is on hiatus right now) the
focus of my campaign. I wanted to use a shapeshifting uberspy (a tweaked
doppelgänger) to lead the PCs to a final confrontation with the Nazis over a
lost city somewhere in Thule/Hollow Earth. They would have had to choose
sides between their long-time Nazi ennemies and the even more threatening
Ancient Snake People.
