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RE: [WW] Awards and Their Frequency

I'm a believer in 'rewarding' XPs every adventure too.

Although I tend to:

a) Use a very freeform approach to how many I award
b) Don't necessarily give each player the same number! 

This latter point caused some problems early on, so what I do is take
each player aside and award points. I then take the opportunity to
discuss how their 'back story' - i.e. how they are planning to spend
their points on their next level - is going. This gives, in my opinion,
a better sense of perspective and somehow helps to justify the 'sudden
jump' that can occur when new skills, feats etc are gained.

I am considering tightening this up and asking players, in advance, to
decide on how their characters will proceed, so that actual training
sessions can be implemented - and additional XPs awarded if deemed
relevant - in a character's 'down time'.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-weirdwars@gamerz.net
> [mailto:owner-weirdwars@gamerz.net] On Behalf Of gathomas4@juno.com
> Sent: 03 May 2002 22:07
> To: weirdwars@gamerz.net
> Subject: [WW] Awards and Their Frequency
> After reading that WC uses only a small number of xp and
> awards them at the end of each adventure, i wondered how many 
> people award xp after each adventure? How many award after 
> every session?
> Personally, i've awarded at the end of every session, no
> matter what the group or the game, for so long that i can't 
> remember not doing it. It keeps players coming back every 
> time and it avoids the problem of players missing a session 
> or two out of the middle of an adventure and me wondering how 
> much to award them.
> What do you do?
> Happy Gaming, =)
> screenmonkey
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