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[WW] WW - Camp Notes, An Idea from a Cruel WM, and an Idea For William

Hey all,

I ran my first WW game and it really rocked... When the Stukas were strafing the characters hit the dirt in fear. When the Spanish/Italians charged through the smoke with their bayonets gleaming they panicked! Oh it was Soooooo very sweet =)...

The highlight of the battle was after being bombed by the Stukas, shelled by a light tank, and having a rain of small arms fire fall upon them they witnessed a sharply dressed Nazi Observer fiddling with a small metallic box that had an antenna sticking out of it. (The Nazi stepped out of a paneled long bed truck that stopped farther out in the field.) After noticing a ramp being lowered by the driver they saw a massive black (With a Red Swastika painted/dyed on each side) bull step down and out of the bed. After a round of fiddling with the controls the placid bull bellows, begins to froth and paw at the ground and charges towards the characters position knocking a door off of the truck in the process.

Note: I had prewritten all of the battle notes so the flow would be fast paced and exciting (Choreographing a battle between 25 Soldiers/An At Gun/ + PC's against 24 Spanish + Italian Troopers/3 APC's/1 Truck/5 Tanks (Only one stayed around because it got tracked)/ and 3 Stukas can be a little more then this WM can wing without notes =).

Anyhoo... The characters got real nervous with the Nazi fiddling with the box for several rounds and when the bull appeared and charged they really freaked! The bull cleared a massive distance bellowing and frothing only to be directly hit by a rifle grenade (Which landed directly under it, shredded its chest, eviscerated it, and tossed it in the air. Only to have it stumble back to its feet with bits of its flesh hanging and a loop of its intestine dragging behind it as it resumed its blood frothing charge). It made it into the trench and rushed its way down, goring and trampling men into jelly.

Ahhhhh... Such glorious fear and gore =).

Well, as they retreated in shear terror they managed to toss two (well rolled) grenades in the bulls general vicinity and blew it into large chunks of well tenderized steak.

They returned later (After fighting their way back to their previous position) and discovered a shredded leather collar attached to a piece of bull. The collar had a small box with an antenna and two wires that led to a round metal subdermal device that contained traces of a clear liquid (They haven't discovered what it is yet but have correctly guessed it is some sort of Rage formula).


During play I had a really nasty idea that I liked but I need to flesh out. It is regarding being 'Stunned' after taking damage from a High velocity/impact or Explosive source.

I haven't hashed out the mechanics but the way I ran it during the game was that if someone was hit by a firearm/bomb that they must roll a Fort DC vs the amount of damage they took or they were stunned the next round. The following round (And every round thereafter) the Fort DC is lowered by one and the player is allowed another save. The stunned characters can only moan, curl up and clutch their wound.

I know it is rather cruel but I found it added a very menacing component to combat, especially when one of the soldiers on the characters side shot the eye out of an Italian trooper (Doing 8hps damage to the head, leaving him at 2hp) and the Trooper kept fighting (He rolled a natural twenty but took some nasty minuses when he shot his rifle =).
Hi to William!

I would go for the Sub one with a German Destroyer that keeps them underwater with depth charges (And seems to have an eerie ability to detect the PC's sub... Maybe it produces some weird non sonar sound which spooks the Pc's). Have the characters be keenly aware of trying to keep quiet (Which seems to be the only defense to the surface attackers) but add a twist in which they hear something scratching on the hull. A close hit/run aground to slightly damage the sub and add even more suspense. Then add some mysterious deaths that have some weird component like turning the victim into goo. Some wet foot prints by the damaged torpedo tube (Which filled with water during the accident and was blown clear and repaired). Some more deaths in the shadowy dark of the energy conserving passages of the sub. Then the final battle with the monster from the deep, while the noise causes the destroyer to rock the sub with depth charges and ends (Hopefully) with the dead creature (Which turns to an unidentifiable/unproveable jelly mush) and a large explosion from above as the destroyer is chased off by allied ships.      

Sorry... Kinda got carried away =)...

Until Later Weird Ones................. H