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[WW] Re: 'Nam and [OT] 7th Sea

I was really excited about 7th Sea until we played it.
Then I made three discoveries:
1. The setting is awful. Before the evening was out we
had given up on translating mentally (YY=Britain,
XX=Spain...) and moved to the real world.
2. The System sucks.
3. The 'Ah Harrs' really, really hurt. Everyone had a
sore throat the next day.

I was playing in a CoC Vietnam game a few weeks ago
(sole survivor as well). Horror and 'Nam work
surprisingly well together.

Deep ones in the Delta... We had to call a Bronco
strike on a shoggoth - after it rolled over a PC (and
that player's most recent character in 'Trail of the
Loathsome Slime' died just the same way).


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