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Re[2]: [WW] Ardennes

> Opposed by the energy gained from Dedication to the Cause. This could
> explain why the Germans, even with their advantages in men and 
> material, failed so badly at the Ardennes in '44.

advantages? I rather think not. The German High Command threw their
last mobile reserves at the advancing US troops, broke through, but
just couldn't surround them as planned, because of lack of material
and Allied air superiority.

Initially 240.000 German troops with 420 tanks und 1.900 pieces of
artillery went up against 83.000 british and US troops with 700 tanks
and 400 pieces of artillery. The success at first was due mostly to
the weather - allied planes could not fly - and surprise. Then allied
air began to harrass the supply lines and the fight could not be
sustained due to severe shortages of mainly fuel and ammunition.

It was a crazed last ditch effort anyway...

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Arne Reuter

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