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[risque] Re: Risque code idea
Forwarding this to risque-users@gamerz.net...
I don't like the idea of limiting each player to X territories.
I think if I bid 5 pts in every region, and my opponents fail
to bid on the majority of those regions... their loss.
Now, I'd still only get the same number of armies to start, so I'd
have to spread them thinly at first...
The tie break mechanism needs work... I bid 100 for ind. You bid 100
for ind. all other things being equal... we "bounce" neither of us
earned it. we could to a coin flip or something, but again...
I don't want to be too random. also we need a way to ensure that
noone is completely left out... perhaps any "unassigned" territories
the distributed randomly to ensure that noone is left out.
On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 11:36:39AM +0000, Eric Shultz wrote:
> Since you like it, I'll give you further thoughts.
> The server starts with the highest bid for any country and works it's
> way down the list, assigning countries to players until a player has
> reached their maximum for the game. Once all the bid points are used,
> remaining territories are assigned randomly to any players who need
> them.
> The inevitable example:
> Imagine three players. They each get 14 countries. Let's say they get
> 100 bid points each.
> Player A bids 100 points on Argentina
> Player B bids 50 points on Argentina and 50 points on Peru.
> Player C spreads his bid around the board, including some on Argentina
> and Peru.
> So player A gets Argentina, because that's the highest bid. Player B
> gets Peru and the 50 points for Argentina go to waste. Player C gets the
> highest 14 countries on his list (except Arg and Per). After that, the
> points are done. The remaining countries are distributed randomly
> between Player A and B.
> In the case of a tie bid, I would say the player with the fewest
> countries assigned to them gets the country. If the tied players have
> the same amount of countries assigned to them, flip a digital coin or
> use the order assigned in the challenge.
> Eric
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