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Re: [risk] Multiple attacks

Ok.  I got one vote of confidence on the concept of multiple attacks.  
That's enough encouragement to get me blathering for hours.

Here's what I propose:  We add to the current move system an "all but 
[some number of armies]", then allow multiple attacks.  The shortest 
notation I can think of would be negative numbers. so...

eus 1 -> wus  would move one army into wus
eus -1 -> wus would leave one army in eus and move all others into wus.

combine this with multiple attacks and you've got mayhem - which in Risk 
is a good thing.

 Here's the big "for example"

            +===+          ++===+=+====++   4 |   2 |   | +-----+
            |ven|          ||     |egy || rro | dpr |   |
            | 26|          || naf | 15 ||     +-----+-+=+-+---+
            |swi|          ||  7  |rro ||     |       |mal|ngu|
          +-+-+-+---++     || rro +----++=+===+       | 12|   |
          |per|     ||-----||     |       |           |rro|   |
          |   | bra ||     ++-+---+  eaf  |           +-+-+-+-+-+
          |   |   5 ||        |con|    1  +---+         |wau|eau|
          +---+ dpr ||        |  1|  dpr  |mad|         |  1|  1|
          |arg|     ||        |dpr|       |  1|         |rro|rro|
          |  1+-----++        +-+-+-----+-+dpr|         +---+---+
          |swi|                 |  saf  |     |
          +---+                 |    1  +-----+
                                |  rro  |

In one turn, swi could send the following orders:

ven -1 -> per  (would move 25 armies into per)
per -1 -> bra  (would move 24 armies into bra, where they crush the evil 
dpr.  After the battle, they have 19 left.)
bra -5 -> naf  (would move 14 armies into naf, where they meet rro.  If 
rro does not move any of egy into naf.  swi wins naf and has 7 armies 
left there.  If rro moves 15 armies into naf, swi loses)
naf 2 -> con  (If swi won the naf battle, this command would move 2 
armies into con.  If swi lost the naf battle, there would be no armies 
to move into con and this command would be ignored.)


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