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Re: [risk] Fogs of War
Richard Rognlie <rrognlie@gamerz.net> on 30/03/2000 16:18:16
Please respond to risk-users@gamerz.net
To: risk-users@gamerz.net
cc: (bcc: William Van Duin/Kandos/ACH/AU)
Subject: Re: [risk] Fogs of War
Simultaneous Risk is my attempt to merge Risk and Diplomacy.
How to get "support" included in this variant is a good question...
1. How to denote "support" the defense of a region or an attack
on a region. If I just say "egy 4 sup mid" is that support
the defender or an agressor? And if an agressor, which one?
2. What are the penalties of support? You support xyz. And
he loses. You lose the support armies, right? But what if
you *win*, the your "team" loses X armies in the battle.
We need to be unambiguous in our resolution of that.
In diplomacy if you support someone and they lose they can still retreat to an
unoccupied country adjacent. If no retreat is possible army is annialated.
Supporters lose nothing.
3. If you are performing a support action, and are attacked, you
"cut the support" of that other region, and stay behind, right?
1 and 3. are the easiest to resolve. 2 gets sticky.
On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 06:06:35AM +1000, William.VanDuin@ach.com.au wrote:
> Ever thought of implementing a Diplomacy game on this server.
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