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[risk] Rules questions
'Help Risk' is a little brief, so I've got a few
questions. Is each turn a simultaneous move
situation(The server waits until every one has moved,
then sends the results)? Also, in MB's Risk, on your
turn you could attack as long as you still had armies
to do so? On pbmserv, does each army(a player's
troops in any given territory) get only one move per
round? If not, how does it work? Do you just list
your moves in cronological order? And do I understand
it right that two armies could move into the same
defending country, in a simultaneous situation, and
create a three-way war? If this is the case, then the
game barely resembles, and is far superior to MB's
Turn-based Risk. Richard, change the name of the game
to Risque, and tell those tightwads at Hasbro to stick
it where the sun don't shine.
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