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Re: [risk] Rules

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Jeff wrote:

> In the original Risk, only one player could attack at
> a time.  There were no 2 on 1, or 3 on 1 battles
> possible.  As far as Hasbro goes, are you telling me
> they have copyrighted the map of the world?  Have they
> sued history books?  The map used in pbemserv games
> loosly resembles the one they used, but it is merely a
> map of Earth.  Change the names of the territories and
> the game becomes unrecognizable.  Is pbemserv really
> threatening their profitability on the web?  Bah!
> Well, I'd still like to play a game, if we still can.

  Jeff has a good point. Can this not be defined as a new game, by means
of all of the differentials from the off-the-shelf game?

Bill Bauer                       |         "Viking is a verb, and a
bbauer@thalia.org          |  ---+---   /  longship is STILL the ultimate
http://www.thalia.org       \0-0-0-0-0-/   in rowing machines..."