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Re: [risk] how do i accept my deployments?
The deployments have been "accepted" I should clarify the subject line...
On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 01:45:47PM -0800, Jacob Winters wrote:
> After deploying my armies, i recieved a message with subject:
> Risk move 109 accept
> and among other things in the body:
> Pending Orders for wintersjl:
> wintersjl> eau #
> wintersjl> gre #
> wintersjl> kam #
> wintersjl> ngu #
> wintersjl> sca #
> wintersjl> ven #
> How do I accept these deployments?
> --
> Jacob Winters (RPBeM Id: wintersjl) - sir_tuba@juno.com
> URL: http://www.geocities.com/sirtuba/
> To unsubscribe, send a message to esquire@gamerz.net with
> unsubscribe risk-users
> as the BODY of the message. The SUBJECT is ignored.
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