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Re: [risk] Combat Function
I think this system looks really good.
I don't know how effort it would take, but perhaps you could set up a
couple games with different combat systems to try them out.
I think the 1-for-1 system in use now is leading to non-aggressiveness,
since there is no advantage to attacking. Being able to cause more losses
than you take somehow is definitely needed.
~ John Williams
On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Richard Rognlie wrote:
> I know I like the Schmittberger larger force loses as many as
> the smaller force (less their difference in size), but that
> does not scale to more than 2 players...
> It's no huge secret that I think the current algorithm of
> "largest army wins but loses as many armies as the next
> larger force" is arbitrary, and *nasty*... but no one has
> proposed anything else...
> I have a brain storm... what do you think of this? (please
> remember, I'm typing out loud...)
> largest force wins, but loses a number of armies proportional to
> the number of *other armies lost* / *total armies*. (round up)
> A 2 -> B 1 A loses 1/3 * 2 == 2/3 == 1 army.
> A 3 -> B 1 A loses 1/4 * 3 == 3/4 == 1 army.
> A 3 -> B 2 A loses 2/5 * 3 == 6/5 == 2 army.
> A 4 -> B 1 A loses 1/5 * 4 == 4/5 == 1 army.
> A 4 -> B 2 A loses 2/6 * 4 == 8/6 == 2 army.
> A 4 -> B 3 A loses 3/7 * 4 ==12/7 == 2 army.
> But the interesting bit is the multiple player battles...
> A2 -> B1 C1 A loses 2/4 * 2 == 4/4 == 1
> A3 -> B1 C1 A loses 2/5 * 3 == 6/5 == 2
> A3 -> B2 C1 A loses 3/6 * 3 == 9/6 == 2
> A3 -> B2 C2 A loses 4/6 * 3 ==12/6 == 2
> A4 -> B1 C1 A loses 2/6 * 4 == 8/6 == 2
> A4 -> B2 C1 A loses 3/7 * 4 ==12/7 == 2
> A4 -> B2 C2 A loses 4/8 * 4 ==16/8 == 2
> A4 -> B3 C1 A loses 4/8 * 4 ==16/8 == 2
> A4 -> B3 C2 A loses 5/9 * 4 ==20/9 == 3
> A4 -> B3 C3 A loses 6/10* 4 ==24/10== 3
> So depending on the destribution, it approximates the "kludge"
> but its a bit more generic... Or am I smoking something?!?
> Richard
> --
> / \__ | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Consultant / Sendmail, Inc.
> \__/ \ | URL: http://www.gamerz.net/rrognlie/
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