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Re: [risk] game speed question

On Tue, Mar 21, 2000 at 10:50:10AM -0800, Jacob Winters wrote:
> I've wanted to play risk since it was introduced, but haven't yet because
> of some concerns. The first is the game speed. How often must I make
> moves in order to keep the game going at a decent speed?
> The second concern is my fault. :-( What are the names of the 2 types of
> risk? (So that I can send for the help files and such).
> Simutaneous Risk - simrisk? 
> Normal Risk - risk?

Currently there is only "risk" which is the simultaneous risk varient.

How often to move?  The more, the better, but I'm implementing this game
with a 1 week deadline.  If you don't move within a week of the last
board being sent to you, you automatically submit a "no op" as your
move, and if it happens to be a deployment turn, you forfeit those


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