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Re: [risk] Combat Function
On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 09:34:59AM +0000, Ray Pearce wrote:
> Sounds good so far, but..
> what if there is *no* largest army?
> i.e. A4 B4 C1
Mutual annihilation unless A4 or B4 is the defender. Then they
keep 1.
> Ray (hippo)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Richard Rognlie <rrognlie@gamerz.net>
> To: <risk-users@gamerz.net>
> Sent: 23 March 2000 02:03
> Subject: [risk] Combat Function
> >
> > I have a brain storm... what do you think of this? (please
> > remember, I'm typing out loud...)
> >
> > largest force wins, but loses a number of armies proportional to
> > the number of *other armies lost* / *total armies*. (round up)
> <<snip>>
> >
> > A4 -> B3 C2 A loses 5/9 * 4 ==20/9 == 3
> > A4 -> B3 C3 A loses 6/10* 4 ==24/10== 3
> >
> > So depending on the destribution, it approximates the "kludge"
> > but its a bit more generic... Or am I smoking something?!?
> >
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