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[risk] two questions

I know these questions may seem a little silly or stupid but I was taught
that there are no "stupid" questions.

1)  I assume we are allowed to contact other players in our risk games
    and make deals behind each other's backs?  I just want to make sure
    I am not breaking any kind of risk ettiquette.  Do we use the message
    command or should we use direct email if we know their addresses?
2)  Once a person has sent in a "deploy" move or a "troop movement" move
    are they allowed and are they able to change their minds and revise
    their move as long as the server is waiting for others to send in their

 Douglas Zander                |  Watch "FarScape" on the SciFi Channel
 dzander@solaria.sol.net       |  Fridays 7:00pm Central
 Shorewood, Wisconsin, USA     |