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[risk] Game Archive...?

unlike move pbmserv games, risk uses highly complex moves, and therefore
storing a complete log of all moves made in a game would make the game
files ungainly large.  Anyone have any ideas on how we might store a
historical reference of games (both old and in progress?)

One idea that pops to mind is that as each turn is processed, I could
write the output to an archive as well, and then come up with a 

	Subject: risk show  103.2

There 103.2 is board 103, turn 2 results 

Or something...  comments?


 /  \__  | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Consultant / Sendmail, Inc.
 \__/  \ | URL:    http://www.gamerz.net/rrognlie/   
 /  \__/ | Give a man a fish, and he'll be hungry tomorrow.  Teach a
 \__/    | man to fish, and he'll be at the river all day drinking beer.