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Re: [risk] Battle report

On Fri, Mar 10, 2000 at 12:17:00PM -0500, Eric Shultz wrote:
> Would it be possible to separate the battle report by
> continent?  It's a little hard to read like it is.
> Interesting first turn.  A lot of people attacking empty
> space.

I could serperate by target continent, but I think all that's really 
needed is a bit more white space...  And to fix the bug that
still shows a player as owning the territory even though they've
moved elsewhere...

Question: I know the border war and battle reports are necessary.
How about the migrations?  Should I keep those in there?
Maybe move them to the bottom with the rest, and keep the orders


Last turn's orders:

    bbauer> mad 6 -> saf
    bbauer> con 6 -> eaf
    bbauer> egy 6 -> eaf

    habby> wau 4 -> mal
       Migrate 4 from wau to mal
    habby> ngu 3 -> mal
       Migrate 3 from ngu to mal
    habby> seu 3 -> mid
    habby> ont 4 -> gre
    habby> nwt 2 -> gre

    swift> eau 9 -> ngu

    rrognlie> bra 9 -> per
    rrognlie> yak 3 -> irk
    rrognlie> ura 3 -> chi
    rrognlie> sib 3 -> chi
    rrognlie> wus 1 -> eus

    bobharris> per 7 -> ven

    sharkey> arg 3 -> bra
    sharkey> ven 3 -> bra
    sharkey> naf 5 -> weu
    sharkey> naf 6 -> seu
    sharkey> saf 3 -> con

    Battle for con bbauer (0) <- sharkey 3  (max. 3)
        succeeds... sharkey (3) invades
    Battle for weu bobharris (1) <- sharkey 5  (max. 5)
        succeeds... sharkey (4) invades
    Battle for chi bobharris (1) <- rrognlie 6  (max. 6)
        succeeds... rrognlie (5) invades
    Battle for bra rrognlie (0) <- sharkey 6  (max. 6)
        succeeds... sharkey (6) invades
    Battle for irk bobharris (1) <- rrognlie 3  (max. 3)
        succeeds... rrognlie (2) invades
    Battle for per bobharris (0) <- rrognlie 9  (max. 9)
        succeeds... rrognlie (9) invades
    Battle for ven sharkey (0) <- bobharris 7  (max. 7)
        succeeds... bobharris (7) invades
    Battle for saf sharkey (0) <- bbauer 6  (max. 6)
        succeeds... bbauer (6) invades
    Battle for mid bbauer (1) <- habby 3  (max. 3)
        succeeds... habby (2) invades
    Battle for ngu habby (0) <- swift 9  (max. 9)
        succeeds... swift (9) invades
    Battle for eaf rrognlie (1) <- bbauer 12  (max. 12)
        succeeds... bbauer (11) invades
    Battle for eus swift (8) <- rrognlie 1  (max. 1)
        fails...  7 of the defender survive
    Battle for seu habby (0) <- sharkey 6  (max. 6)
        succeeds... sharkey (6) invades
    Battle for gre swift (1) <- habby 6  (max. 6)
        succeeds... habby (5) invades

 /  \__  | Richard Rognlie / Sendmail Consultant / Sendmail, Inc.
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 /  \__/ | Give a man a fish, and he'll be hungry tomorrow.  Teach a
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