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Re: [pyrnet] CHAT; STOCKGUARD; BEHAVIOR: Sampson's passing and the reaction of the other animals

Thank you for Sharing Linda.

A few years back on of our dogs got out of the front pasture and was struck & killed. We took the other dogs in the house while we brought him back and buried him in the front yard. The next afternoon, we discovered the Arizona had dug up her buddy. I believe she did that because she didn't get a chance to see him in death. But she smelled that he was under that ground.

We chose to have Ralphie cremated. He has literally been my shadow - never letting me out of his sight unless absolutely necessary. So I want to put a small piece of him in one of those tiny little vials that I can carry around my neck. Wherever I go he will still be with me. 

We put Ralphie down at the vets. So my other furballs didn't get a chance to say goodbye. They were clearly grieving. Arizona come up to me as soon as I got home, sniffed at my lap and then just stood there for a long time with her head laying in my lap. Ralphie passed away just an hour before cradled in my lap. Somehow she knew. Jack curled up and whined. Russell didn't bother getting out of his bed the entire day. It was very subdued at our house.

Today I now have a new shadow. Arizona has now designated herself as my constant companion. I'm feeling better, but dissolved into tears when I scrubbed the floors. I collected all of Ralphie's toys and placed them in a gift bag. He's the only dog I've ever had that loved toys - especially stuffed animals. He always carried one around with him - right up to the very end.

My thoughts and prayers are with you Linda. And many thanks to everyone who offered their love and support at this very difficult time.

Bea Stephens, RN

-----Original Message-----

From:  Linda Anderson <linda.nightsky@gmail.com>
Subj:  [pyrnet] CHAT; STOCKGUARD; BEHAVIOR: Sampson's passing and the reaction of the other animals
Date:  Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:37 pm
Size:  3K
To:  Livestock Guardian Dog List <LGD-L@apple.ease.lsoft.com>; Great Pyrenees Discussion List <Pyr-L@apple.ease.lsoft.com>; pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org; Kerry Kern Woods <woodskk@eburg.com>              
cc:  linda.nightsky@gmail.com; Jon Glastra <ghinc1004@qwestoffice.net>

Well, I really didnt plan on posting anything else about Sampson, but the reaction of the animals at our place was so moving and interesting, I had to share.? Most of you know, but quick background:? Sampson, just turned 5 :Great Pyr - Bone Cancer.? Nothing could be done and we had to put him down. We planned to do that here at the farm and bury him in the woodland meadow where he could guard forever.
I asked all of you on the lists: - what about his soul mate Molly?? Should she see him after? I got so many replies and pretty much all of them said yes.? So we decided we would do that.? We put Sampson on a blanket in our small tractor cart and drove into the field.? Jon stopped once he got in there and turned off the tractor.? It was so moving, but not because of Molly.? She came over and sniffed his face and wagged and touched his face with her nose. But perhaps the most interesting and moving thing to us was the two miniature donkeys and the two goats.? 
They also came over and suddenly there were five noses, quietly leaning into the cart, touching his nose, his face.? Not scared or skittish... just touching. Elmo the goat raised his head to peer into my eyes and then dropped his head again to touch Sammy.? They followed us across the field, to the back gate into the woodland.

The woodland has a meadow and we rotate our few critters in and out of there... but they are all very sociable and prefer to stay in our front pasture.? If I DO want them there for the day, I have to entice them back with food.? Especially the donkeys like to stay in the front pasture.
Not this time.? They followed and we left all of them behind the gate because our neighbor who does excavation etc. for a living had dug a large and deep hole for us and I didnt want anybody falling in.? But as we went through the gate and I closed it, I called to Jon to stop the tractor and look back. Both donkeys and both goats we right there - looking through the gate, noses literally pressed up to it.? Ears forward, watching.

I added the ashes of Toby who we lost 3 1/2 years ago, (first time I ever had an animal cremated) and who I just never seemed to get around to spreading.? This felt right and I put him with Sammys body. It was dark when we left the field. ? No predator ever DARE visit that meadow now.
Finally, this morning we went out and? opened the back gate, Molly at our side.? Her head went to the ground, following the path the little tractor had taken the night before and she went to the grave.? Sniffed and checked it out.? But then, guess what?? Here came both goats and both donkeys - directly to the grave, walking there, sniffing the dirt and sticking to Jon and I like glue. They seemed to want and need extra love and attention.? They stayed right with us all the time, until we finally walked out of the woodland and across the front pasture and into the house.
?So, a chapter ends and now the healing can begin.? Ive included a photo of the meadow and Elmo and Chloe the goats, Little John and Snowman the donkeys.


Linda Anderson
Nightsky Farm
Stanwood, Wash.