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RE: [pyrnet] Little sister for Kodiak

Hi Christine,


Sorry I am a late reply.  I have had one female pyr and two males so not a great expert except for these individuals.  Currently one male Charlie, and the female Sweetie along with Harry Pugger are my pack.  Charlie is five years old and I have had him since he was 12 weeks old.  Sweetie is four and has been with us since she was nine months.  I find there is a big difference between my males and this female.  Sweetie is literally the sweetest, gentlest pyr I have ever met.  She is also a domineering bitch when she wants to be.  She tells the boys when they can eat and they do not object.  Ever see a pug who was so well trained he would not touch his food even if there is no one else in the room???  Pugs are eating machines, but Harry sits and looks at the three bowls until Sweetie gives permission.  Charlie is the alpha and guards the yard, does the major barking, is the “BIG DOG” but Sweetie picks which dog bed she wants and is the only one who lies on the couch.  Charlie adores her and gives her whatever she wants.  Harry curls up with her and grooms her ears. 


My first male, Jascha, knew I was pregnant almost before I did.  He immediately changed his behavior and did not jump up on me, moved out of my way, slept at my feet for the whole pregnancy.  As soon as David was born he moved to sleeping next to David’s crib or playpen.  My two other dogs at the time were female labs and they did not change behavior until David was born.  Then they also slept near him and eventually positioned themselves near his high chair to catch whatever he dropped. 


In my experience, male pyrs are white knights and very chivalrous to their females.  The female is accustomed to being a princess.  Maybe just my dog combination, or just this female.  Sweetie, by the way, is from French lineage and has a spectacularly beautiful, very feminine face with dark black eyeliner and grey / buff ears. 


Amy with Charlie, Sweetie, and Harry Pugger


From: owner-pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org [mailto:owner-pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org] On Behalf Of Christine
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 3:46 AM
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Little sister for Kodiak


Hi All:

Sorry if I mistakenly led you to believe we have no resources or places to look ~ I wanted to see if I overlooked any other places circumstances. We have actively emailed and talked to several people who list on Petfinder as well as other Rescue Orgs. The logistics of the two dogs meeting is kind of a hassle but we'll work through that part.


However, the main purpose of me email was that I wanted to know about female Pyrs and thought there were members that had a few. We have had up to four male dogs at a time and have only ever had male dogs. That is the reason I wondered about possible contrasts (no matter how small) between the sexes and thought this might be a place to ask.


I suppose stubborn and endearing is stubborn and endearing. Given how unusual Pyrs are along with their unique breed traits, it surprises (and relieves) me that having a female Pyr is really no different than having a male Pyr. :)


Thanks to all for the speedy responses



----- Original Message -----
From: "Judith Stroh Miller" <jsmiller@newmex.com>
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 1:29:57 AM
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Little sister for Kodiak

On 16 Nov 2009 at 20:16, Christine wrote:

> We are looking for a little sister for Kodiak (Kodi). We have had
> many leads and sources and I thought I would try a little "word of
> mouth" on line.

consider a rescue.... it may take a while, but you can meet the dogs and also have a potential
pyr meet Kodiak to see how they interact.



Taos, New Mexico

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