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Re: [pyrnet] Passing

Good note Joe. I always say they take a piece of our heart with each one that passes and leave a piece of them with us forever.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Passing

After one goes through this several times, you would think it gets easier. It does not, and sometimes when the pain is the greatest you might think, I cannot do this again.  Its just too much!! But then when you think deeply about your dog, you know they left you with more than they took with them and that means more to me than anything else. I always think about the old Janis Joplin classic, "Take a little piece of my Heart".  It certainly is that at least, but the result is actually a fuller more mature person for having the love and trust of these special creatures under God's great umbrella.
Hang in there.
In a message dated 1/20/2009 1:40:13 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, siprice@rbsinternet.com writes:

I saw someone walking their Pyr the other day and while we were chatting I mentioned that we lost our Pyr recently. 
And then *the person* (who was actually very nice) said "I am sorry to hear that.  I used to run by your house and noticed he was aging.">>>
People don't know what to say.........I don't know what to say. And I've lost too many. My husband won't even talk to me about getting ready to say good bye to our old guy. I've told him he is going to have to let him go one day. He just says to me, I don't want to talk about it.

I was so hurt and offended I couldn't get away fast enough!  But when I went home and looked at his pictures I guess I could see it too.
Pyrs are so sweet and companionable when they get older that it is easy to see how so much of our lives can be centered around them.
I'm glad your Pyr was there for you when you needed him most~I bet those days were very fulfilling for both of you.

Take care of yourself Marci and know that we all feel your loss and you are not alone.
c h r i s t i n e

PS: I could never feel much peace or closure about "Dog Heaven" but I was completely non-functional after the loss of my Pyr so I finally wrote him a letter. I began to realize and accept that there was no way I could even have five more minutes with him because if there is one thing I know and believe in my heart, it is that Pyrs are Guardians. It just would not have been my dog's nature to leave his new 'charge' to come and see me.

Martha Gruhlkey wrote:
It is only with great sorrow that I tell of the passage of my beloved heart-dog, Montana Bear.  He had nearly reached his 11th birthday when he was returned to the earth, who had loaned him to me when I most needed him.  Born: January 28, 1998; Died: January 18, 2009.
Martha (Marci) Gruhlkey

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