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[pyrnet] Fw: 48 Hours for 44 Pyrs
A couple of weeks ago 44 Great Pyrenees were rescued from a basement in
Illinois. They lived in horrible conditions that were very bad--so bad that
the house the dogs lived in will be demolished. Illinois rescue volunteers
have swung into action and the dogs are being cared for. They have skin and
respiratory issues since potty training was non-existent. Windows were
broken in the basement. It was flooded with raw sewage and the dogs' fur
was matted with the feces they were standing and laying in.
Great Pyrenees Rescue of Chicago Rescue needs our help. Donations will cover
shelter bailout fees, additional vet expenses and reimbursement for
shelter-administered vaccines, heartworm, parvo tests and spay/neuters which
cost $100-$150 per dog. Some of the dogs need additional worming. Heartworm
prevention must be purchased for all. One dog is in intensive care with
Aspiration Pneumonia.
Over the next 48 hours NEPR is dedicating our new PayPal account to raising
funds for these dogs. Starting today, 3/19 at through Tuesday, 3/21 your
donation on NEPR's PayPal account will help the Illinois 44. If 50 people
read this e-mail and click
http://www.pfne.org/nepr.php?head=rescue&nav=rescue&text=rescue4 to make a
donation of $10 or even $20 in the next 48 hours, we could raise $500 or
more for Illinois rescue. You don't have to send a lot--if everyone just
sends something we can make a difference.
If you prefer to write a check instead and drop it in the mail, please make
it out to Northeast Pyr Rescue, write Illinois Pyrs in the note line and
send it to NEPR, Box 2, Strafford, NH by March 27. Jean, our treasurer, will
include your check and your name in the list of donors we are sending to the
Illinois rescue group.
What if this happened to us here? It could. What would we do? We would need
everyone's help across the county. Please open your hearts to help our
fellow pyr rescuers help the Illinois 44. Thank you.
Barbara Mattson
Northeast Pyr Rescue Coordinator
518-734-5486 Weekends/After 7PM Week Nights
www.pfne.org/rescue Visit Our Happy Endings Page