My wife and I are the proud owners of a 10.5 month old Pyr
named Caesar. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>What
a beauty He is , Brad !!!
Anyway, my question is about the dewclaws found on
Pyr's. I've heard from several people that Pyrs should have them and
they shouldn't be removed. healed, but I've begun to wonder whether the
claws could pose a continual problem, and if so, whether having
them removed would be better for the dog. >>>>>>>>>>>>>.I wouldn't do it
,Brad~~Just My Opinion, but, I've had Pyrs. for several years now and "nary" a
problem with their dews~~It sounds like Caesar had an unfiortunate
note: we do keep his nails clipped -- typically done every 6 weeks or
so~~~~Brad, Just My Opinion again, but~~if Caesar is not
continuously on concrete, and gets lots of walks, the other nails are not
getting worn down~~every 6 weeks of cutting nails should be something like
every 3 weeks~( Be very careful tho if You are to go to this schedule~the
"quick" in the nail must be watched out for~~it will recede with regular
cutting of the nail until then, be careful of that "quick"
PS: the operation to remove those dews is
NOT simple~~they are NOT like the dews on other dogs and are actually
part of the boney structure of the foot/leg~~